Piloting innovative financing for climate adaptation technologies in medium-sized cities

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10433_2023_PIR_UNIDO_Global10433_2024_PIR_UNIDO_GlobalCEO ApprovalGEFSEC ReviewPIF
The project aims to develop an enabling mechanism for the target cities to access innovative and private CCA finance in the long run. This mechanism will be developed and piloted in one pilot country/city located in each key region of the Global South – Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America & the Caribbean – as well as in one pilot country/city of the LDC and of SIDS so that particularities of each of these categories of countries are fully taken into consideration.

UAVs/drones for Equitable Climate Change Adaptation: Participatory Risk Management through Landslide and Debris Flow Monitoring in Mocoa, Colombia

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO Approval
Advance equitable adaptation to climate change by reducing vulnerability and increasing resiliency in Mocoa through innovative technology development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) for community-based landslide and debris flow monitoring and risk projection.

Fourth National Communication and 4th Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO ApprovalGEFSEC ReviewPIF
The project “Fourth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” is aimed to
(1) enable the GoI to design public policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to address climate change, through
(a) assessing environmental, social, and economic impacts of implementing these mitigation and adaption policies,
(b) strengthening of technical capacity and institutional arrangement at national and local levels, and