Indonesia Sustainable Cities Impact Program

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10494-P173446-2023-PIR-WB-Indonesia10494-P173446-2024 -PIR -WB-P17344617-IndonesiaFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
The project will contribute to fostering transformational change in Indonesian cities through evidence-based planning linked to prioritized capital investments for climate-smart development and biodiversity conservation that deliver Global Environmental Benefits.

Within this overarching goal, the specific Project Development Objective (PDO) is to integrate biodiversity and climate-smart management in the preparation of development plans and priority capital investments of participating cities, including financing modalities.

AGRI3 A Forest Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture Fund for Developing Countries

PIF Review Sheet DocumentAgri3fund GEF Core IndicatorsCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCIGEF_GEFID10497_AGRI3 FY24 PIR_finalFSP CEO endorsement documentPIF Document
AGRI3 will de-risk USD 1 billion of private sector financing and provide USD 15 million in technical assistance for forest conservation, restoration and sustainable agriculture in developing countries and emerging markets to address climate change and land degradation.