Green Production and Sustainable Development in Secondary Aluminum, Lead, Zinc and Lithium Sectors in China

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10673FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
Reduce and eliminate UP-POPs (PCDD/Fs, HCB and PCNs) and Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) releases through the introduction of BAT/BEP in the Secondary Aluminum and Zinc production, and implementation of a life cycle management in Lead acid battery and Lithiumn ion battery recycling in China.

Safeguarding Marine & Terrestrial Biodiversity in Fiji (SAMBIO)

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10675 Fiji STAP screen - FINALFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
To establish new marine and terrestrial protected areas within priority areas of biodiversity and strengthen Fiji’s protected area network, improve the management of key biodiversity areas in forests and coastal ecosystems to protect Fiji’s most threatened biodiversity, and strengthen policy and financing pathways to secure ecosystem services and other benefits to island communities into the future.

Effective Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing of the Nagoya Protocol and Integration into Planned co-management Arrangements in the Nyambai Forest Park of The Gambia

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i) Provide technical support for developing ABS policy, legal, institutional and regulatory frameworks for The Gambia; (ii) Undertake to pilot of administrative or policy measures to implement community protocols, bioprospecting, and/or biotechnology research; and (iii) Promote ABS-compliant management of protected areas that support improvements in the conditions of biological and genetic resources for the Nyambai Forest Complex.

Promotion of climate adaptation technology and business model innovations and entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone

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Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of vulnerable populations by supporting MSME*-driven innovation, transfer and large-scale deployment of adaptation technologies, products and services (TPS) in the water, agriculture and energy sectors in Sierra Leone