Enhancing the sustainable management of Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer System to ensure access to water for populations facing climate change (SMAS)

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Foster multi-country cooperation and to enhance institutional capacity for the protection and sustainable management of the transboundary Senegalo-Mauritanian aquifer system and its dependent ecosystems in order to improve water and food security, and resilience to climate change.

Adaptive Agriculture and Rangeland Rehabilitation Project (A2R2) - Somalia

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Enhancing the climate resilience of poor rural households in Somalia through sustainable natural resources management on multiple levels: improved water resources and rangelands management; eco-agriculture and climate-proof livelihoods; forest/habitat rehabilitation; improved governance and information systems for land degradation and biodiversity

Enhancing Environmental Security and Transboundary Cooperation in the Golok/Kolok River Basin

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The project will improve transboundary management of flood risks and erosion processes, and develop jointly agreed and evidence-based investment plans that will be needed to reverse degradation trends and enhance environmental security in the Golok/Kolok River Basin.