Biodiversity Conservation through Nature-based Solutions as Pillars of the Blue & Green Economy in the Union of Comoros.

Catalyse the transformation of tourism, food and urban sectors as pillars of the Blue & Green Economy in the Union of Comoros through investments in nature-based solutions at landscape and seascape level in preserved and resilient key ecosystems

Restoring and protecting Biodiversity, Coastal Landscapes, and Climate Change Resilience through Nature Based Solutions, Women and Youth Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu

To build on existing initiatives in Vanuatu to enhance the resilience of ecosystems and communities by placing nature at the centre of human well-being in the areas of food (fisheries and agriculture) and community-based tourism.

Beyond 30x30: Securing resilience in the Eastern Tropical Pacific through enhanced transboundary cooperation

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Ensure the long-term resilience and conservation of at least 31,250,000 ha of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor area (Central ETP), by strengthening regional governance, securing regional connectivity, improving climate resilient management, and coordinating blue economy investments and conservation efforts.