Green hydrogen energy integrated demonstration application project in China

GEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP Screen_GEFID11271_Green H2 China-final
To facilitate the development and replication of comprehensive green hydrogen industrial value chains in China, with demand pull from hard-to-abate sectors (heavy duty transport and hard-to-abate industrial fields) and with stimulus and support across the value chain from policy, strategic planning, standards, successful demonstration in Ningdong, Dalian, and Shenyang using renewable energy, technical innovation, new business models, improved technical and cost viability, information dissemination, capacity building, and human networks.

Guatemala Mesoamerican Forest IP Project: Securing benefits for the well-being of local communities and the ecosystems of the Maya Forest

The objective of the project is to contribute to the protection of critical ecosystems in the prioritised regions of the Department of Petén, the Selva Maya and the Trifinio area in Guatemala, while improving the well-being of local communities.

Honduras Mesoamerica Forest IP Project: Conserving the Intact Forests of the Honduran Moskitia

FSP CEO endorsement document
Improved and consolidated conservation of the critical ecosystems in the Honduran Moskitia through strengthened governance, promotion inter sectoral coordination and policy coherence; strengthened protection and restoration of ecosystems; promotion of deforestation-free livelihoods and knowledge cross-fertilization.