Sustainable Management of Ecosystems in Miombo Ecoregions of Zambia

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To sustainably restore and manage the miombo forest ecosystems and agro-pastoral landscapes, strengthen the
climate resilience of the miombo forest and forest-dependent communities through the integration of
adaptation considerations in land use planning, sustainable management of natural resources and community based adaptation practices.

Climate Resilient Transformation of Rice-based Farming and Food Systems in Central Nepal (CRAFT Nepal)

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To promote transformation toward climate-resilient rice-based production landscapes in central Nepal that improve agro-ecosystem function, food security and nutrition through inclusive, climate resilient value chains and adoption of innovative Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

Land Degradation Neutrality for Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Dominican Republic

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To enhance climate resilience, reduce vulnerability to climate change, and achieve land degradation neutrality through effective adaptation strategies and sustainable development in alignment with the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and the national LDN Targets????

Accelerating Transition to a Circular Economy in India’s Electrical and Electronic Sector through Sustainable Integrated Approaches

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The objective of this proposed project is to reduce (and/or eliminate) the adverse impacts of POPs, UPOPs and heavy metal (such as mercury) on human health and environment by making strategic interventions across the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment and strengthening India’s capacity for the environmentally sound management of electrical and electronic wastes (e-waste) through integrated approaches.

Strengthening integrated transboundary source-to-sea management of the Ruvuma River Basin and its coastal zones to ensure ecosystem health and livelihood security

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Project Objective: to promote multi-sector transboundary cooperation through a source-to-sea management approach aimed at ensuring that ecosystem health and social inclusion are integrated into planning, development, and management, of the Ruvuma River Basin