Integrated Program for HFC Phasing Down and Sustainable Cooling for Tajikistan

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To support the government of Tajikistan and stakeholders to phase down 70% of Hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs) consumption by 2029 in cooling and foam sectors from its baseline level in line with the control measures of the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol on HFCs and reduce environment and climate footprint of cooling sector by improving energy efficiency and life cycle management of refrigerants and products containing them.

BioSouth: The Pacific-Andean-Amazonian Ecological and Cultural Connectivity Corridor

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To strengthen the ecological and cultural connectivity of the BioSouth Pacific-Andean-Amazonian Corridor through environmental governance and sustainable production landscapes, with benefits for biodiversity, climate resilience, and local communities, ensuring gender equity and contributing to building peace.

Livestock Support for Climate Change Adaptation and Enhanced Resilience Project (LISCADERP) in Central African Republic

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Strengthen the climate resilience of agro-sylvo-pastoral communities by improving agriculture and livestock systems in eight Prefectures in Central African Republic (target: 25,000 households/150,000 beneficiaries of whom 50% are women and 30% are youth)

Championing Local Adaptation for Productive Ecosystems and Enhanced Resilience (CLAP for Resilience)

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To increase adaptive capacities and reduce vulnerabilities of communities to climate change impacts through integrated watershed-based approaches that partner with the private sector to rejuvenate agriculture and enhance investments in climate resilient livelihoods.