Caatinga Protected Areas Program - ARCA

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP Screening (GEF ID 11509) Caatinga protected areas (Final version)
To improve the conservation of the Caatinga, a biome of global biodiversity importance, through the expansion and improved management effectiveness of Brazil’s National System of Protected Areas, endangered species conservation, and engagement of Indigenous People, Traditional Peoples and Local Communities, enhancing biodiversity resilience and improving livelihoods.

Mex30x30: Conserving Mexican biodiversity through communities and their protected areas

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentCEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP screening (GEF ID 11510) Mex30x30 (Final version)
To help Mexico advance toward the Global Biodiversity Framework 30x30 target through long-term sustainable financing for the existing national protected areas (national parks and ADVCs)

Indicators (Targets):
a. Terrestrial protected areas under improved management effectiveness (Target: 3,665,666 ha)
b. Marine protected areas under improved management effectiveness (Target: 22,241,504 ha)
c. Greenhouse gas emissions mitigated (Target: 5.7 million tons)
d. Number of people experiencing socioeconomic benefits (male/female) (Target: 163,293 people; 50% female)

3rd Call for Concepts for the GEF Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation

Submitted by Jason on


The Global Environment Facility has launched the third round of the Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation. A total of $20 million in GEF finance will be provided from a combination of the GEF-managed Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF). Each winning concept will be awarded $1 to $2 million in GEF finance.  Climate change adaptation innovators are invited to submit their project concept by May 18, 2024, using this online form.

Regional Adaptation Programming and Strategy Workshop for non-LDC Small Island Developing States in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans

The objective of the regional adaptation workshop is to develop enhanced skills and knowledge for preparing and supervising the implementation of adaptation projects/programs to address priority climate resilience needs. In particular, the workshop aims to strengthen capacity and skills of the participants by providing information and tools that will assist them in adaptation project concept notes in line with GEF programming priorities and requirements, as well to facilitate access to suitable climate finance from other complementary sources.