On the path to a green future in Kazakhstan

During his first official visit to Kazakhstan from February 16-18, GEF CEO and Chairperson Carlos Manuel Rodríguez met with officials from the Government of Kazakhstan, the United Nations Development Programme, and other agency partners to discuss cooperation and progress on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, sustainable energy, and climate change.

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez and his team also visited protected areas and local communities which benefitted from investments by the GEF and the Small Grants Programme.

The GEF in Africa

Since its inception in 1991, the Global Environment Facility has steadfastly supported African countries as they seek effective and innovative approaches to a nature-positive economy. The GEF has helped implement more than 1,800 projects in Africa, with a total investment of $6.2 billion. These investments have leveraged over $40 billion from other stakeholders, including governments, bilateral and multilateral partners, the private sector, and civil society organizations.

The GEF issues call for proposals for blended finance global program

The Global Environment Facility has issued a call for proposals under its Non-Grant Instrument Program which provides blended finance for selected initiatives that catalyze investments from private investors and capital markets.

While most of the GEF’s financing support is provided as grants, it also deploys a wide array of blended finance instruments such as debt, equity, and guarantees to attract private sector investment and deliver global environment benefits beyond business as usual.