Conselho do GEF destina US$ 1,4 bilhão para impulsionar ação ambiental

Em reunião no Brasil, o Conselho do Fundo Global para o Meio Ambiente (GEF) aprovou o desembolso de US$ 1,4 bilhão para acelerar os esforços para enfrentar as crises climática, da biodiversidade e da poluição.

O apoio do Conselho do GEF a este programa de trabalho recorde, que focaliza nas causas da degradação ambiental, acontece em meio a um ímpeto significativo para a diplomacia ambiental, após os recentes acordos inovadores sobre biodiversidade e áreas de alto mar, e também progresso em poluição pelos plásticos e outras questões.

GEF Council provides $1.4 billion boost for environmental action

Meeting in Brazil, the Global Environment Facility’s governing body approved the disbursement of $1.4 billion to accelerate efforts to tackle the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises.

The GEF Council support for the record work program targeting the root causes of environmental damage came amid significant momentum for environmental diplomacy, following recent breakthrough deals on biodiversity, and the high seas, and progress on plastics and other issues.

GEF-8 Corporate Scorecard - June 2023

The GEF-8 Corporate Scorecard is a comprehensive report on the performance of the Global Environment Facility during the GEF-8 period. In particular, the Scorecard reports on the progress made towards the achievement of the GEF-8 targets. It also looks at how the GEF is utilizing resources available for its eighth replenishment cycle and making progress in the implementation of key policies. The Scorecard is published twice a year and this issue includes all projects approved from July 2022 up to and including the June 2023 work program.