Gabon, Jamaica, and Sri Lanka unite to fight hazardous skin lightening products

The governments of Gabon, Jamaica, and Sri Lanka have joined forces to fight back against damaging beauty practices, launching a joint $14-million project to eliminate the use of mercury in skin lightening products.

Using cosmetics to inhibit the body’s production of melanin, leading the skin to appear lighter, is a centuries-old practice in many parts of the world that continues to take a toxic toll today.

Tanzania National Dialogue - 2023

The GEF Secretariat, together with government of Tanzania through the Vice President's Office, jointly organized a National Dialogue from February 13-14 in Dodoma, Tanzania.

The National Dialogue brought together a wide range of stakeholders from government at the national, regional, and district levels; civil society; academia; the private sector; media; development partners; including participation from the GEF Secretariat and GEF agencies.