GEF-8 Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Workshop

This GEF-8 Regional Workshop took place in Kigali, Rwanda, on October 11-14, with participants from countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, the GEF Secretariat, GEF agencies, and partners. It was part of a series of workshops to give countries an overview of the GEF-8 programming strategies, with a particular focus on the GEF-8 Integrated Programs (IPs) and how they will be rolled out. Specific breakout groups allowed more in-depth discussions on the different IPs, as well as regional challenges and opportunities.

2022 in review

This has been a significant year for global action on the environment, culminating in a landmark agreement to protect biodiversity reached in Montreal. Here are some highlights from the last 12 months of environmental diplomacy, finance, and problem-solving around the world. I look forward to continuing to work together in 2023 as we take the next steps along this important road. – Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility


Statement from the GEF CEO and Chairperson on the creation of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, GEF CEO and Chairperson:

The agreement reached today in Montreal is a significant breakthrough for biodiversity. It reflects never-before-seen recognition from countries at all income levels that biodiversity loss must be stopped through high-ambition changes to our society’s relationship with nature and the way our global economy operates. It also reflects a determination from political leaders around the world to make this happen.

GEF-8 North, West, and Central Africa Regional Workshop

This GEF-8 Regional Workshop took place in Accra, Ghana, between October 4-7, with participants from countries in North, West, and Central Africa, the GEF Secretariat, GEF agencies and partners. It was the first event in a series of workshops to give an overview of the GEF-8 programming strategies, with a particular focus on the GEF-8 Integrated Programs (IPs) and how they will be rolled out. Specific breakout groups allowed more in-depth discussions of the different IPs, as well as regional challenges and opportunities.

GEF Introduction Seminar - February 2023

The 2023 Introduction Seminar brought together GEF agencies, focal points, civil society organizations and other stakeholders, and the GEF Secretariat. Participants met with GEF partners and counterparts from other countries to discuss and review GEF-8 policies and procedures and to share lessons and experiences from the development and implementation of GEF projects and their integration within national policy frameworks.