GEF Council starts eighth funding cycle with biodiversity boost

The Global Environment Facility’s governing body has approved new funding for biodiversity projects and planning, including targeted support to help 26 countries prepare for new global biodiversity goals.

Meeting on the eve of the COP15 biodiversity summit, representatives of the GEF’s member governments approved $65 million for the first work program of its eighth funding cycle. Nearly half of this total was earmarked for biodiversity projects, including more than $18 million supporting the development of biodiversity finance plans in 26 countries.

GEF-8 Corporate Scorecard - November 2022

The GEF-8 Corporate Scorecard is a comprehensive report on the performance of the Global Environment Facility during the GEF-8 period. In particular, the Scorecard reports on the progress made towards the achievement of the GEF-8 targets. It also looks at how the GEF is utilizing resources made available for its seventh replenishment cycle and making progress in the implementation of key policies.

The Scorecard is published twice a year; this issue includes all projects approved from July 2022, up to and including the November 2022 GEF-8 work program.