'Youth, women, and elders are the ones who don’t give up'

Mirna Inés Fernández Pradel is a member of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), an international network of young people focused on preventing biodiversity loss and protecting nature. In an interview, she shared lessons from her work to elevate youth voices internationally and expressed her hopes for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15 summit in Montreal.

Why is youth engagement around biodiversity important to you?

New project deploys EarthRanger to strengthen protected areas in Africa

The Global Environment Facility Council has approved a $7.2 million project to deploy EarthRanger to support the management of 4.9 million hectares of terrestrial protected areas (PAs) in three African countries. The effort will help enhance real-time prevention and response to escalating threats of poaching, human-wildlife conflicts, and habitat loss.  

GEF-8 Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop

The Asia and Pacific Regional IP Workshop took place in Bali, Indonesia from January 10-13, 2023.

The workshop brought together the GEF Secretariat and invited partners for an overview of the GEF-8 Programing Directions on integrated programs (IPs), focal areas, and global programs, and hands-on sessions with a specific focus on the IPs and the country Expression of Interest process. There were additional discussions on knowledge sharing (learning stations), lessons from previous GEF integrated approach investments, and private sector engagement.

GEF-8 Asia Regional Virtual Meeting

This virtual GEF-8 Asia regional meeting took place on Monday, November 21, 2022.

The workshop began with an overview of the GEF-8 Programing Directions. Invited participants then took part in breakout groups for detailed presentations and discussions of each integrated program, with the opportunity to ask questions and directly interact with the program leads. The GEF Secretariat provided updates on the Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop to be held in Indonesia in January 2023.