Peter Umunay

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Peter Umunay is a Senior Environmental Specialist at the GEF. Peter leads the food systems area of work and supports the GEF’s mandate to generate global environmental benefits under the biodiversity, climate change, and land degradation focal areas. He brings over 15 years of work experience with international organizations: Wildlife Conservation Society, The Forests Dialogue, UNEP-WCMC, UNEP, Winrock International; academic and research institutions; and governments.

Advancing Urban Sustainability for a Green Recovery

Cities are central to economic growth and have a pivotal role to play in achieving global climate, nature, and sustainable development goals. Yet this potential remains largely untapped as cities continue to face unprecedented environmental and social challenges. The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected cities deeply, and continues to be a barrier to sustainable and equitable development. The pandemic has widened already vulnerable gaps, and impacted capacity of cities to adopt sustainable pathways for future growth.

The GEF provides new support for developing countries' climate reporting

In a boost to climate change governance, the Global Environment Facility will provide $32 million in pooled, streamlined funding to help developing countries prepare the transparency reports they are required to under the Paris Agreement.

The new funding will finance the production of up to 50 countries’ National Communications and Biennial Transparency Reports, which are due to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by December 2024.