GEF-7 Corporate Scorecard - June 2022

The GEF-7 Corporate Scorecard is a comprehensive report on the performance of the Global Environment Facility during the GEF-7 period. In particular, the Scorecard reports on the progress made towards the achievement of the GEF-7 targets. It also looks at how the GEF is utilizing resources made available for its seventh replenishment cycle and making progress in the implementation of key policies. This is the last report covering the GEF-7 period and includes all projects approved from June 2018 up to and including the June 2022 work program.

Community-based Micro-financing and Small Enterprises

The private sector has a key role to play in driving sustainable development. Micro, small and medium enterprises account for 90 percent of the private sector and more than 50 percent of employment globally. As such the sector provides an opportunity for innovative, inclusive and sustainable economic development. The GEF Small Grants Programme facilitates partnerships between civil society, community-based organizations, and the private sector to scale up and promote the sustainability of community-led initiatives.