GEF KM Advisory Group - 62nd Council

At this meeting of the GEF Knowledge Management Advisory Group for the 62nd Council, participants reviewed progress made in the development of the GEF’s Knowledge Management & Learning strategy, as summarized in the GEF Council document Update on Progress to Develop a GEF Knowledge Management and Learning Strategy. Participants also discussed key issues, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration and learning across the GEF Partnership in line with GEF-8 priorities.

In Senegal ecovillage, children learn about nature alongside their ABCs

In Soussane, Senegal, children are taught to protect the environment alongside reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

The introduction of nature to the curriculum at L’école de Soussane is only one of the significant changes to stem from the UN Development Programme project Participatory Conservation of Biodiversity and Low Carbon Development of Pilot Ecovillages at the Vicinity of Protected Areas in Senegal.