GEF CEO celebrates mangrove restoration efforts in Cote d'Ivoire

Mangroves can withstand soil and water conditions that would kill most plants, and yet these hardiest of tropical forests are vanishing from the Earth so quickly that every effort to protect them is of value – both locally and globally.

This is because mangroves have an outsized environmental and economic impact wherever they grow. They protect against coastal erosion, help with flood control, act as carbon sinks, and are unique ecosystems that harbor a wealth of fish, insect, bird, and reptile species.

GEF CEO visits women-led community forest project in Senegal

As a former environment minister from Costa Rica, a country more than half covered in trees, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez knows well the vital role forests can play in community life.

That is what stood out for the Global Environment Facility CEO from his visit to the village of Djilor Djidiack, Senegal, where residents have planted, managed, and protected a 20-hectare community forest with the support of the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP).

GEF Consultations with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinancing

The virtual event GEF Consultations with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinancing was held on June 17 in advance of the 62nd GEF Council meeting, and was organized by the GEF Secretariat in collaboration with the GEF CSO Network, the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG), and with support from youth organizations.

'There is still hope for our planet'

Lauren Naville Gisnås is a Senior Advisor on environmental and climate-related issues at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and an Advisor to Norway’s GEF Council Member. In an interview, she reflected on the potential of global efforts to address marine litter, plastic pollution, and the impacts of climate change, and shared what inspired her from a recent visit to a GEF Small Grants Programme initiative in Indonesia.

Technical Discussion Series: eDNA, Applications in Monitoring Ecosystems, and a Path to Nature-positive Monitoring

This virtual event, part of the GEF Technical Discussion Series, discussed Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a transformative technology for rapidly generating biodiversity data at unprecedented scales. NatureMetrics have worked with over 400 clients in 70 countries since 2016, and shared their experience using eDNA on projects including EIAs, restoration monitoring, river basin surveys, and assessments of business impacts on the environment.

'I work for the dignity of my community'

As an advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, Joseph Itongwa works to ensure that planning around the Congo Basin’s natural resources involves those living in the forests. In an interview, he shared what his work as Director of the National Alliance for the Support and Promotion of Indigenous and Community Heritage Areas and Territories has taught him about community, leadership, adversity, and hope.