Resilient Food Systems 2021 Annual Report

The Resilient Food Systems (RFS) program is one of three Integrated Approach Pilot programs financed by the GEF during the sixth replenishment cycle (GEF-6).

In 2021, the RFS program made significant progress toward enhancing the long-term resilience and sustainability of smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The 2021 Programme Highlights showcases the achievements and innovations of the RFS regional partners, country project teams and beneficiary communities across 12 targeted countries.

Welcomed increase in funding for chemicals and wastes issues made available for the GEF

The Global Environment Facility, which serves as the financial mechanism for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, has announced a substantial increase in funding, which includes a welcomed increase for issues pertaining to chemicals and waste. With 15 percent of the total allocation of funding allocated to the chemicals and waste focal area, the GEF replenishment signals the key role that chemicals and waste management plays in resolving the triple environmental planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Les pays s'engagent à apporter un soutien record au Fonds pour l'environnement mondial

Vingt-neuf pays se sont conjointement engagés à verser plus de 5 milliards de dollars au Fonds pour l'environnement mondial (GEF), donnant ainsi une impulsion majeure aux efforts internationaux visant à protéger la biodiversité et à réduire les menaces liées aux changements climatiques, aux plastiques et aux produits chimiques toxiques grâce à une action concertée au cours de cette décennie.

Países prometen apoyo sin precedentes al Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial

El Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF por sus siglas en inglés) recibirá más de USD 5000 millones de aquí al 2026 de parte de 29 países donantes. Este financiamiento impulsará la colaboración internacional para proteger la biodiversidad y frenar las amenazas que plantean el cambio climático, los plásticos y los productos químicos tóxicos.