New online training course: nature-based infrastructure for climate adaptation and sustainable development

The Nature-Based Infrastructure Global Resource Centre is now offering a new course: nature-based Infrastructure for climate adaptation and sustainable development.

This course aims to empower policymakers, infrastructure planners, and investors to understand the economic and financial performance of nature-based infrastructure as well as its co-benefits, in comparison with traditional “built” or “grey” infrastructure.

Water underground: why protecting what’s hidden matters to our health and for the planet

Submitted by Jason on

As much as 97 percent of the world’s water is underground – this “groundwater” originates from rain, melting ice, and snow which has soaked into the soil and is stored in the pores and cracks between sand, rocks, and soil particles. Hidden under our feet, this source of water is unfortunately often overlooked and abused. To increase attention to this valuable source of water, the United Nations has declared 2022 the Year of Groundwater.

Good Practice Brief: South-South Cooperation for Upscaling Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

This Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) project is a flagship initiative for South-South cooperation, enabling an exchange of technology transfer, capacity-building, policy support or fundraising between countries in the Global South. The project catalyzed global and regional collaboration on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), especially sharing China’s experience and research know-how in ecological restoration and climate change adaptation.