Momentum builds for larger and broader GEF support

The Global Environment Facility’s member countries are approaching broad consensus about expanding the size and scope of its support over the next four years.

Meeting virtually, representatives of the multilateral fund’s donor governments found significant common ground on proposed policies and programming priorities for the GEF-8 funding period, which covers the period from July 2022 to June 2026.

Fourteen Pacific Island nations make major strides towards a Cleaner Pacific

Pacific countries made major strides towards realizing the vision of the Cleaner Pacific 2025 today, with the launch of ISLANDS Pacific – a 14-nation initiative aiming to avoid the release of 28,000 tonnes of marine litter, safely dispose of 720 tonnes of contaminated material, and reduce the burden of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury in island communities.

UN Environment Assembly concludes with 14 resolutions to curb pollution, protect and restore nature worldwide

The 5th UN Environment Assembly concluded in Nairobi with 14 resolutions to strengthen actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Assembly is made up of the 193 UN Member States and convenes every two years to advance global environmental governance.

Learning from Good Practices: Community Participation and Governance for Environmental Sustainability

This virtual event introduced two projects supported by the GEF, which effectively established innovative governance mechanisms and policies to strengthen a landscape level of approach towards maximizing environmental benefits. Government and agency representatives shared their experiences from a green cities project in Paraguay and a project focused on sustainable management of peatlands in Indonesia.