Working close to the ground, with an eye on the big picture

Anupam Anand is an Evaluation Officer at the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO). He is also an avid photographer and an expert on satellite technology. In an interview, he reflected on the powerful ways that technology can advance our knowledge of environmental trends and help identify solutions in a fast-changing world.

What does your work at the GEF Independent Evaluation Office entail?

Governments meet to consider high-ambition GEF replenishment

Representatives of the GEF’s member governments gathered virtually Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2021, to review proposed plans for the multilateral trust fund in its eighth funding cycle. Donor support for the GEF helps developing countries meet international environmental obligations and advance progress toward global goals on biodiversity, climate change, harmful chemicals, and more.

EBRD launches GEF-supported circular economy program

  • Innovative initiative to address barriers preventing transition to a circular economy
  • Program to be launched in Turkey and Western Balkans, with support from GEF and Austria
  • First dedicated regional program for circular economy

To address barriers to the transition to a circular economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a new program, called the “Circular Economy Regional Initiative,” in Turkey and the Western Balkans.

Addressing the mercury lifecycle for improved human health

Monika Stankiewicz is Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, an international treaty aimed at preventing harmful exposure to mercury – a neurotoxic metal that is frequently emitted to the air and released to the water and land. In an interview, she explained how improved chemicals management can help global efforts to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and shared what she finds meaningful about working in environmental diplomacy.

What do you do for a living?

GEF supports innovative Food Securities Fund for sustainable agriculture

The Global Environment Facility has approved a $15 million commitment, provided through its partner Conservation International, to the Food Securities Fund – an innovative new source of funding that is supporting increased transparency and accountability in agricultural value chains.

The Food Securities Fund, launched in March 2021, provides working capital loans to sustainable agriculture companies in emerging markets.

The GEF at IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020

The GEF took part in the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020, held in Marseille, France from September 3-11, 2021.

The IUCN Congress urged governments to implement a nature-based recovery from the pandemic, investing at least 10% of global recovery funds in nature, and adopted a series of resolutions and commitments to urgently address the interlinked climate and biodiversity crises.