Determination of Priority Actions for the Further Elaboration and Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean Sea

The Strategic Action Programme to Address Pollution from Land-Based Activities in the Mediterranean Region (SAP MED) provides a broad framework and timetable for the implementation of mechanisms and measures that will lead to the protection of the marine environment, including its biological resources and diversity, from the effects of harmful land-based activities.

Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Tumen River Area, Its Coastal Regions and Related Northeast Asian Environs

CEO Letter 4/13/1999Council Letter 3/15/1999PDF-B 11/1/1996Project Document 3/4/1999Project Document for WP 11/11/1997
The purpose of this project is to prepare a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Tumen River Economic Development Area. The implementation of the SAP will assist in the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding among the Tumen River Area Development Programme member states by integrating and applying sound land and water resource management strategies.

Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances

Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Annex)
The objective of this project is to assist the Azerbaijan Republic in the rapid phase-out of ODS consistent with the international efforts in this direction. The project will assist the Azerbaijan Republic in meeting its phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol within a realistic time frame and ensure availability of technical assistance to expedite the implementation of the country programme.

Global Environmental Citizenship (GEC)

Cover Letter from IAEndorsement LetterPDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Annex)Project Document for WP (Part 1)
This project will generate public awareness, increase levels of understanding of global environmental issues and mobilize support in Latin American countries for the objectives of the GEF operational programmes. The result will facilitate broad-based support for these objectives by relating them to the individual concerns of citizens, in order to foster a greater commitment to voluntary action that would be needed to guarantee the sustainability of GEF-funded measures within those programs. This will create an enabling environment for national decision making and action on GEF focal areas.

Development of Best Practices and Dissemination of Lessons Learned for Dealing with the Global Problem of Alien Species that Threaten Biological Diversity

The objective of this project is to examine current tools and approaches that are utilized to recognize, evaluate and mitigate against invasive species in order to determine best practices and to disseminate this information. This project takes a comprehensive approach to the invasive species problem, i.e., a scientifically-based global strategy and action plan. However, the specific aspects of the project for which GEF funding is requested relate only to a portion of the global strategy for dealing with invasives, i.e. that of defining and disseminating the best practices.

Promotion of Biodiversity Conservation within Coffee Landscapes

Project Document for CEO ApprovalScanned Letter to IA (CEO Approval Letter)
The project seeks to conserve critical biodiversity in El Salvador through the maintenance and enhancement of habitats within shade-coffee plantations. Specific outcomes sought include: (a) increase the extent of coffee plantations under biodiversity-friendly shade regimes to serve as habitats for globally significant biodiversity; (b) initiate the establishment of biological corridors composed of shade coffee plantations; and (c) promote the development of a "biodiversity-friendly" coffee production system in El Salvador, along with its certification and marketing abroad.