GEF Council to mark 30 years of collaboration #ForThePlanet

On the 30th anniversary of the Global Environment Facility’s founding, representatives of 184 member governments, heads of international environmental conventions, and agency partners will meet to consider new support for climate change adaptation through the Least Developed Countries Fund and GEF financing for programs and projects to help countries through and following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Good Practice Brief: Finding Solutions for Electronic Waste with the Private Sector and Multi-Stakeholders Engagement

The project connects and operationalizes pre-existing elements of a multi-stakeholder Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system in Nigeria, which is an innovative policy and financial instrument that requires manufacturers, importers, and retailers of electronic products to be physically and financially responsible for the waste management of their products.

Good Practice Brief: Strengthening Climate Resilience through People-centered Approaches

The resilience of people to climate change was enhanced by the project by building the capacity of communities and women through two innovative, people-centered approaches - Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and Dimitra Clubs - and by strengthening agro-climate information communications and setting up a climate resilience fund for scaling up project achievements.