Good Practice Brief: Participatory Conservation and Peacebuilding in Dry Forest as Production Landscape

The dry forest ecosystem is a high conservation priority in Colombia. This project seeks to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in dry forests to ensure the flow of ecosystem services and to mitigate deforestation and desertification in the Caribbean region and the Inter-Andean Valley of the Magdalena River (VIRM) in Colombia. The project contributed to the flow of multiple global and local ecosystem services, including carbon storage, food production, water supply, fodder supply, and biodiversity habitat.

Working in service of future generations

Global Environment Facility Program Assistant Glynis Barber works to enable developing countries – including her native Sierra Leone – prepare for and cope with climate change. In an interview, she shared what she enjoys most about supporting and advancing climate change adaptation projects financed by the GEF-managed Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund.

What is your role at the Global Environment Facility?