Displaying 31 - 60 of 331
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Support to the Alignment of National Action Programme to the UNCCD 10 Years Strategy and Reporting Process 5884 Yemen, Regional Land Degradation Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 136,986 150,000 Project Approved
Support to Alignment of Samoa’s National Action Programme (NAP) to the UNCCD 10 Year Strategy and Preparation of the Reporting and Review process. 5883 Samoa, Regional Land Degradation Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 136,986 160,000 Project Approved
Minamata Initial Assessment for Costa Rica 5881 Costa Rica Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 Completed
Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in LAC 5879 Regional, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Paraguay Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 730,594 935,000 Completed
Support to Alignment of Botswana’s National Action Programme to the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy implementation and Reporting review Process 5877 Botswana, Regional Land Degradation Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 136,986 150,000 Project Approved
Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in Madagascar 5875 Madagascar Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 182,648 200,000 Completed
Second Communication to the UNFCCC 5874 Timor Leste, Regional Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 1,000,000 190,000 Completed
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment (MIA) in the Republic of Yemen 5873 Yemen Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 200,000 50,200 Completed
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment in the Federal Republic of Nigeria 5871 Nigeria Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,000,000 182,000 Completed
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment in Vietnam 5870 Viet Nam Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 500,000 47,000 Completed
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment in the Comoros 5869 Comoros Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 200,000 67,000 Completed
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment (MIA) in the Republic of Armenia 5866 Armenia Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 200,000 22,000 Completed
Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in Mexico 5865 Mexico Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 456,530 40,000 Project Approved
Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in Moldova 5864 Moldova Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 182,648 52,000 Completed
Development of Minamata Initial Assessment in Three Asian Countries 5863 Regional, Cambodia, Pakistan, Philippines Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 730,594 1,702,084 Project Approved
Minamata Convention Initial Assessment in the People’s Republic of China 5862 China Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,000,000 975,000 Completed
Development of Minamata Convention on Mercury Initial Assessment in Brazil 5861 Brazil Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 821,918 1,690,000 Project Approved
Development of Minamata Convention on Mercury Initial Assessment in Africa 5860 Regional, Ethiopia, Gambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 913,242 1,129,943 Completed
Strengthen national decision making towards ratification of the Minamata Convention and build capacity towards implementation of future provisions. 5859 Georgia Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 Completed
Strengthen National Decision Making Towards Ratification of the Minamata Convention and Build Capacity Towards Implementation of Future Provisions. 5858 Mauritius Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 199,749 125,000 Completed
Togo's First Biennial Update Report (FBUR) 5850 Togo, Regional Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 352,000 60,000 Completed
Support to Ecuador for the Development of National Action Programs Aligned to the UNCCD 10 Year Strategy and Reporting Process under UNCCD 5849 Ecuador Land Degradation Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 136,986 181,100 Completed
Enhancing Biodiversity Protection through Strengthened Monitoring, Enforcement and Uptake of Environmental Regulations in Guyana's Gold Mining Sector 5846 Guyana Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 803,653 3,538,617 Completed
Low-carbon and Efficient National Freight Logistics Initiative 5842 Colombia Climate Change Medium-size Project Inter-American Development Bank 1,000,000 4,000,000 Cancelled
Mitigating Deforestation in Brazil Nut Concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru 5839 Peru Climate Change Medium-size Project Inter-American Development Bank 1,575,800 3,000,000 Completed
Sustainable Urban Mobility Program for San Jose 5838 Costa Rica Climate Change Medium-size Project Inter-American Development Bank 1,782,257 8,220,000 Completed
Coordination of the Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction ABNJ Program 5827 Global International Waters Medium-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 458,716 954,528 Completed
Sharing Knowledge on the Use of Biochar for Sustainable Land Management 5824 Global, China, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Peru, Viet Nam Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 1,826,484 1,257,800 Completed
Turkey's First Biennial Report (FBR) 5813 Türkiye, Regional Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 352,000 60,000 Completed
Geothermal Resource Development in Saint Lucia 5812 St. Lucia Climate Change Medium-size Project The World Bank 1,000,000 32,575,000 Completed