Displaying 61 - 90 of 93
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
MENARID: Reducing Risks to the Sustainable Management of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) 3645 Regional, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia International Waters Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 960,000 2,266,080 Completed
MENARID: Cross Cutting M & E Functions and Knowledge Management for INRM within the MENARID Programme Framework 3628 Regional, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen Land Degradation Medium-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 667,270 1,600,000 Completed
MENARID Integrated Nature Resources Management in the Middle East and North Africa Region (PROGRAM) 3423 Regional, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen PFD International Fund for Agricultural Development 0 0 Cancelled
World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 2nd Installment 3229 Regional, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye International Waters Full-size Project The World Bank 905,000 45,000,000 Project Approved
Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Managing Healthcare Waste and PCBs 2995 Tunisia Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project The World Bank 5,500,000 11,200,000 Completed
MENARID: Support to Sustainable Land Management in the Siliana Governorate 2709 Tunisia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 5,000,000 27,355,000 Completed
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework 2648 Tunisia Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 848,900 919,260 Project Approved
World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 1st Allocation 2601 Regional, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye Biodiversity, International Waters PFD The World Bank 0 0 Cancelled
Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem-Regional Component: Implementation of Agreed Actions for the Protection of the Environmental Resources of the Mediterranean Sea and Its Coastal Areas 2600 Regional, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization 12,891,000 36,548,200 Completed
Assessment of Capacity-building Needs for Biodiversity and Participation in the Establishment of a Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) - ADD ON 2588 Tunisia Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 186,900 Completed
CBPF: Conservation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) 2127 Global, Algeria, Chile, China, Peru, Philippines, Tunisia Biodiversity Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,500,000 14,446,872 Completed
Development of an Energy Efficiency Program for the Industrial Sector for Tunisia 1905 Tunisia Climate Change Full-size Project The World Bank 8,500,000 23,300,000 Completed
Protection of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) and related humid zones and ecosystems 1851 Regional, Africa, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia International Waters Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 600,000 816,000 Completed
Self-Assessment of National Capacity in Tunisia to Manage the Global Environment 1703 Tunisia Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 Completed
Development of a National Plan for the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs 1512 Tunisia Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization 431,270 930,000 Completed
Africa Stockpiles Program, P1 1348 Regional, Ethiopia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia Chemicals and Waste PFD The World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization 25,000,000 35,000,000 Cancelled
Gulf of Gabes Marine and Coastal Resources Protection 1174 Tunisia Biodiversity Full-size Project The World Bank 6,310,000 3,500,000 Completed
Protected Areas Management Project 1173 Tunisia Biodiversity Full-size Project The World Bank 5,330,000 4,550,000 Completed
Private Sector Led Development of On-Grid Wind Power in Tunisia 967 Tunisia Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,000,000 2,000,000 Completed
Barrier Removal to Encourage and Secure Market Transformation and Labeling of Refrigerators 576 Tunisia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 710,000 1,236,000 Completed
Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and National Report 559 Tunisia Biodiversity Enabling Activity The World Bank 89,000 Completed
Experimental Validation of Building Codes and Removal of Barriers to Their Adoption 520 Tunisia Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,360,000 6,326,800 Completed
Determination of Priority Actions for the Further Elaboration and Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean Sea 461 Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Slovenia, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye, Regional International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 6,060,000 5,925,000 Completed
Participatory Management of Plant Genetic Resources in Oases of the Maghreb 456 Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Regional Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,778,767 1,420,842 Completed
Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Region 410 Albania, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, Regional Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 13,273,200 28,620,900 Completed
African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action 406 Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Regional Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,330,000 7,117,000 Completed
Pilot Biosafety Enabling Activity 402 Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Egypt, Hungary, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Namibia, Pakistan, Poland, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Global Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 2,744,000 Completed
Building Capacity in the Maghreb to Respond to the Challenges and Opportunities Created by National Response to the Framework Convention on Climate Change 369 Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Regional Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 2,500,000 Completed
Emissions Inventory of Greenhouse Gases : National Strategy and Action Plans for Emissions Reduction and Fulfilment of National Communications under the UNFCCC 281 Tunisia Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 565,400 375,000 Completed
Biodiversity Country Studies - Phase I 172 Bahamas, China, Cuba, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Syria, Tunisia, Global Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 5,000,000 801,000 Completed