Displaying 61 - 90 of 95
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Best Practices for PCB Management in the Mining Sector of South America 3814 Regional, Chile, Peru Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 818,300 1,574,161 Completed
Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ) 3807 Global, Chile, Lesotho, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 6,296,637 19,620,551 Project Approved
Supporting the Implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan of POPs in Latin America and Caribbean States (GRULAC) 3778 Global, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 845,000 845,300 Completed
Towards Ecosystem Management of the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem 3749 Regional, Chile, Peru Biodiversity, International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 6,925,000 24,624,084 Completed
Promoting and Strengthening an Energy Efficiency Market in the Industry Sector 3599 Chile Climate Change Full-size Project Inter-American Development Bank 2,636,364 39,690,000 Completed
4th Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme (RAF1) 3514 Global, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Romania, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Türkiye, Uganda, Viet Nam Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 13,647,498 Completed
Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants - Chile "add-on" 2825 Chile Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 54,000 Completed
Building a Comprehensive National Protected Areas System: A Financial and Operational Framework 2772 Chile Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,000,000 33,080,490 Completed
Southern Cone Development Marketplace (Environment Window) 2665 Regional, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay Medium-size Project The World Bank 200,000 880,000 Received by GEF Secretariat
Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships) 2261 Global, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, Peru, South Africa, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Türkiye, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,688,000 17,701,939 Completed
National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environment Management 2206 Chile Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 40,000 Completed
Promoting Sustainable Transport in Latin America (NESTLAC) 2178 Regional, Chile, Guatemala, Panama Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 960,750 1,423,600 Completed
CBPF: Conservation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) 2127 Global, Algeria, Chile, China, Peru, Philippines, Tunisia Biodiversity Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,500,000 14,446,872 Completed
Biodiversity Conservation in Altos de Cantillana 1725 Chile Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 956,485 1,135,101 Completed
FC-1: Fuel Cells Financing Initiative for Distributed Generation Applications (Phase 1) 1685 Global, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago Climate Change PFD The World Bank, International Finance Corporation 9,825,000 9,000,000 Concept Approved
Santiago Foothills: Mountain Ecosystem Conservation 1377 Chile Biodiversity Medium-size Project The World Bank 725,000 459,400 Completed
Sustainable Transport and Air Quality for Santiago 1349 Chile Climate Change Full-size Project The World Bank 6,980,000 7,010,000 Completed
Climate Change Enabling Activity (Additional Financing for Capacity Building in Priority Areas 1321 Chile Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 100,000 Project Approved
Building Wider Public and Private Constituences for the GEF in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Promotion of Global Environment Protection through the Electronic Media 1310 Regional, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts And Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Uruguay, Venezuela Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 998,062 959,132 Completed
Ecosystem Management of the Salar del Huasco for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Outside Protected Areas 1300 Chile Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 835,000 1,865,000 Completed
Conserving Globally Significant Biodiversity along the Chilean Coast 1236 Chile Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,872,431 6,268,960 Completed
Regional System of Protected Areas for Sustainable Conservation and Use of Valdivian Temperate Rainforest 1207 Chile Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,707,000 15,611,767 Completed
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Chiloé Globally Significant Biodiversity 1021 Chile Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,000,000 3,246,200 Completed
Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 1016 Global, Barbados, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, Guinea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Slovenia, Zambia Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 5,835,000 2,970,000 Completed
Water Resources and Biodiversity Management 936 Chile Biodiversity Full-size Project The World Bank 10,000,000 310,000,000 Cancelled
Support_to_20_GEF Eligible Parties for Alignment of National Action Programs and Reporting Process under UNCCD (Add-on Umbrella 2) 929 Global, Barbados, Belize, Chile, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Viet Nam Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 5,983,000 5,841,000 Cancelled
Valdivian Forest Zone: Private-Public Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation 844 Chile Biodiversity Medium-size Project The World Bank 726,670 276,000 Completed
Removal of Barriers to Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy 843 Chile Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,984,900 26,330,000 Completed
National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan, Report to the CBD, CHM 809 Chile Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 271,400 Completed
Global Environmental Citizenship (GEC) 464 Regional, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme 2,977,000 3,165,000 Completed