Displaying 1 - 30 of 110
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Delivering Target 3 at the regional scale in Peru: Applying the ecosystem approach in the Northern Transversal Economic Corridor of Peru (Northern TEC) 11595 Peru Biodiversity GBFF World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter Concept Approved
Sustainable electronics management in Peru 11556 Peru Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 5,000,000 35,000,000 Concept Approved
Transforming Malaysia's Port Infrastructure Development through a Nature-Centric Approach for Biodiversity Conservation and Land Degradation Control 11469 Malaysia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 3,397,399 27,066,662 Concept Approved
Child Project of the Global Clean Hydrogen Program of Malaysia 11443 Malaysia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,326,146 7,080,480 Concept Approved
Sustainable Agriculture and Plantations in Peatland Landscapes in Malaysia (SAPPLIM) 11367 Malaysia Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 5,354,588 20,500,000 Concept Approved
Nature based solutions to reduce coastal pollution in Peru 11362 Peru Biodiversity, International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 9,891,743 42,000,000 Concept Approved
Decarbonisation and sustainable cities for a net-zero future in Malaysia 11343 Malaysia Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 4,389,118 15,230,000 Concept Approved
Promoting Nature Positive, resilient and inclusive cities in Lima-Callao, Huancayo and Ica 11298 Peru Biodiversity Full-size Project International Union for Conservation of Nature, Inter-American Development Bank 11,932,416 109,457,146 Concept Approved
Regenerative livestock farming to promote sustainable landscapes 11221 Peru Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 13,155,659 100,400,000 Concept Approved
Promoting Integrated Sustainable Management of the Peruvian Amazonian landscape Madre de Dios 11203 Peru Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter 11,932,415 40,988,970 Concept Approved
Circular Solutions to Plastic Pollution in Peru 11191 Peru International Waters Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 4,437,156 56,274,152 Concept Approved
Eliminating Hazardous Chemicals from Supply Chains in Peru 11173 Peru International Waters, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,189,450 41,843,874 Concept Approved
High Andean Ecosystem Restoration in Peru 11125 Peru Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 8,607,340 65,938,529 Concept Approved
Enabling Malaysia to Prepare Its First Biennial Transparency Report to the UNFCCC 10968 Malaysia Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 784,000 Project Approved
Strengthening Malaysia's Capacity in Implementing and Tracking Ambitious Climate Change Actions 10964 Malaysia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 1,826,484 200,000 Project Approved
Elaboration of 3BUR and 4NC for submission to UNFCCC 10894 Peru Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 852,000 Project Approved
Accelerating the adoption and scale-up of climate-smart transport in Malaysia 10739 Malaysia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,776,484 59,421,928 Project Approved
Building institutional and local capacities to reduce wildlife crime and to enhance protection of iconic wildlife in Malaysia 10597 Malaysia Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 7,139,450 81,160,000 Project Approved
Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Peru 10592 Peru Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,959,132 6,337,319 Project Approved
Sustainable management and restoration of the Dry Forest of the Northern Coast of Peru 10541 Peru Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization, International Union for Conservation of Nature 7,666,491 57,833,521 Project Approved
Environmentally sound management of PCBs, Mercury and other toxic chemicals in Peru 10419 Peru Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,725,000 34,019,215 Project Approved
Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Malaysia 10363 Malaysia Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,500,000 2,750,000 Project Approved
Deforestation Free Commodity Supply Chains in the Peruvian Amazon 10307 Peru Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 13,561,467 112,149,960 Project Approved
Fourth National Communication and Third Biennial Update Report on Climate Change for Malaysia 10294 Malaysia Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 852,000 200,000 Project Approved
Enhancing sustainability in e-mobility for low carbon urban transport and an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) approach in batteries and vehicle components 10286 Peru Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,784,862 14,859,835 Project Approved
Building human well-being and resilience in Amazonian forests by enhancing the value of biodiversity for food security and bio-businesses, in a context of climate change 10248 Peru Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, International Fund for Agricultural Development 15,599,083 124,561,476 Project Approved
Integrated Landscape Management of Heart of Borneo Landscapes in Sabah and Sarawak 10237 Malaysia Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 7,368,807 65,113,144 Project Approved
Capacity Building for Peru’s Transparency System for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 9872 Peru Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 1,199,000 700,000 Project Approved
GEF GOLD Peru - Integrated Sound Management of Mercury in Peru’s Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) 9710 Peru Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,990,000 35,233,512 Project Approved
National Platform for Sustainable Cities and Climate Change 9698 Peru Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project Inter-American Development Bank 6,422,019 300,979,496 Project Approved