Displaying 31 - 50 of 50
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits 4765 Togo Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 770,000 950,000 Completed
Land Rehabilitation and Rangelands Management in Small Holders Agropastoral Production Systems in Soutwestern Angola 4720 Angola Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,013,636 17,291,000 Completed
GGW: Integrated Disaster and Land Management (IDLM) Project 4709 Togo Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project The World Bank 9,157,407 55,290,000 Completed
Expansion and Strengthening of Angola’s Protected Area System 4589 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,800,000 16,190,400 Project Approved
Adapting Agriculture Production in Togo (ADAPT) 4570 Togo Climate Change Full-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 5,354,546 11,219,000 Completed
GEF National Portfolio Formulation Document 4471 Togo Enabling Activity GEF Secretariat 30,000 Project Approved
National Biodiversity Project 4082 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,000,000 6,140,000 Completed
SPWA-BD: Strengthening the Conservation Role of Togo's National System of Protected Areas (PA) 4026 Togo Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,222,200 3,000,000 Completed
SPWA-CC: Togo Efficient Lighting Program 3880 Togo Climate Change Full-size Project The World Bank 1,818,182 2,290,000 Completed
Enabling activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Angola 3568 Angola Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 471,600 136,000 Completed
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management 3432 Angola Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 0 Project Approved
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of a National Adaptation Plan of Action 3409 Angola Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 200,000 Project Approved
Elaboration du Programme d’Action National pour l’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2465 Togo Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 Completed
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Preparation of the First National Report to the Conference of the Parties 2034 Angola Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 339,000 Completed
National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environmental Management 1934 Togo Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 200,000 Completed
Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action on the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Togo 1498 Togo Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 499,500 Completed
Climate Change Enabling Activity (Additional Financing for Capacity Building in Priority Areas) 871 Togo Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 100,000 Project Approved
Decentralized Rural Energy Project 498 Togo Climate Change Full-size Project The World Bank 1,135,000 4,610,000 Cancelled
Enabling Togo to Prepare its initial National Communication in Response to its Commitments to the UNFCCC 303 Togo Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 338,040 Completed
Biodiversity Strategy (CDB Togo) 36 Togo Biodiversity Enabling Activity The World Bank 238,800 Completed