Displaying 31 - 54 of 54
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Land Rehabilitation and Rangelands Management in Small Holders Agropastoral Production Systems in Soutwestern Angola 4720 Angola Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,013,636 17,291,000 Completed
Belarus: Updating National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in line with CBD COP-10 Strategic Plan, Preparing 5th National Report and Reenforcing Clearing House Mechanism 4591 Regional, Belarus Biodiversity Enabling Activity GEF Secretariat 180,000 320,000 Project Approved
Expansion and Strengthening of Angola’s Protected Area System 4589 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,800,000 16,190,400 Project Approved
Landscape Approach to Management of Peatlands Aiming at Multiple Ecological Benefits 4468 Belarus Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,700,900 9,378,250 Completed
Removing Barriers to Wind Power Development in Belarus 4374 Belarus Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,045,000 40,900,000 Completed
LGGE Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings in the Republic of Belarus 4228 Belarus Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,500,000 27,700,000 Completed
National Biodiversity Project 4082 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,000,000 6,140,000 Completed
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Territorial Planning Policies and Practices 3914 Belarus Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 971,000 7,084,300 Completed
Enabling activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Angola 3568 Angola Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 471,600 136,000 Completed
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management 3432 Angola Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 0 Project Approved
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of a National Adaptation Plan of Action 3409 Angola Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 200,000 Project Approved
Integrated Solid Waste Management 3281 Belarus Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project The World Bank 5,500,000 21,175,000 Completed
Enabling activities related to the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Republic of Belarus 2519 Belarus Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity The World Bank 499,300 Completed
Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvements in the State Sector in Belarus 2107 Belarus Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,400,000 8,369,600 Completed
Catalyzing Sustainability of the Wetland Protected Areas System in Belarusian Polesie through Increased Management Efficiency and Realigned Land Use Practices 2104 Belarus Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,191,500 9,094,000 Completed
Renaturalization and Sustainable Management of Peatlands to Combat Land Degradation, Ensure Conservation of Globally Valuable Biodiversity, and Mitigate Climate Change 2057 Belarus Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 975,854 2,307,571 Completed
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Preparation of the First National Report to the Conference of the Parties 2034 Angola Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 339,000 Completed
National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environment Management 1866 Belarus Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 179,100 Completed
Assessment of Capacity-building Needs for Biodiversity, Participation in CHM and Preparation of a Second National Report (add on) 1403 Belarus Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 183,700 49,000 Completed
Biomass Energy for Heating and Hot Water Supply 1198 Belarus Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,129,000 5,562,000 Completed
Enabling the Republic of Belarus to Prepare its First National Communications in Response to its Commitments under the UNFCCC 1000 Belarus Climate Change Enabling Activity The World Bank 312,000 Completed
Biodiversity Protection 537 Belarus Biodiversity Full-size Project The World Bank 1,000,000 250,000 Completed
Dissemination of the National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan, First National Report to the CBD & Establishment of the Clearing House Mechanism 426 Belarus Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 81,300 Completed
Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances 108 Belarus Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project The World Bank 6,690,000 8,800,000 Completed