Displaying 31 - 60 of 70
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Development of Kazakhstan’s National communication to the UNFCCC and Biennial Report 5740 Regional, Kazakhstan Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 852,000 856,768 Completed
Promotion of Sustainable Charcoal in Angola through a Value Chain Approach 5719 Angola Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,620,000 18,711,700 Project Approved
Supporting Sustainable Land Management in Steppe and Semi-arid Zones through Integrated Territorial Planning and Agro-environmental Incentives 5699 Kazakhstan Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,900,000 9,499,459 Completed
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Agropastoral Production Systems through Soil Fertility Management in Key Productive and Vulnerable Areas Using the Farmers Field School Approach 5432 Angola Climate Change Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 6,668,182 23,619,230 Project Approved
Improvement of the Decision-making Process through Introduction of Mechanisms of Economic Assessment of Fulfilling National Obligations under Global Environmental Agreements 5399 Kazakhstan Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 500,000 650,000 Completed
Mobilizing Support to the NAP Alignment and UNCCD Reporting and Review Process 5274 Regional, Kazakhstan Land Degradation Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 136,986 474,000 Completed
Integrating Climate Change into Environment and Sustainable Land Management Practices (ICE-SLM) 5231 Angola Climate Change Full-size Project African Development Bank 4,416,210 7,560,000 Project Approved
Addressing Urgent Coastal Adaptation Needs and Capacity Gaps in Angola 5230 Angola Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme 6,180,000 12,311,467 Completed
Promoting Climate-resilient Development and Enhanced Adaptive Capacity to Withstand Disaster Risks in Angola’s Cuvelai River Basin 5177 Angola Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 8,200,000 46,473,004 Completed
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low-carbon Urban Development 5059 Kazakhstan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,930,000 65,389,094 Project Approved
Land Rehabilitation and Rangelands Management in Small Holders Agropastoral Production Systems in Soutwestern Angola 4720 Angola Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,013,636 17,291,000 Completed
National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan 4719 Regional, Kazakhstan Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 220,000 265,000 Completed
Expansion and Strengthening of Angola’s Protected Area System 4589 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 5,800,000 16,190,400 Project Approved
Improving Sustainability of PA System in Desert Ecosystems through Promotion of Biodiversity-compatible Livelihoods in and around PAs 4584 Kazakhstan Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,364,000 19,179,293 Completed
NIP Update, Integration of POPs into National Planning and Promoting Sound Healthcare Waste Management in Kazakhstan 4442 Kazakhstan Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,400,000 35,012,758 Completed
Reducing GHG Emissions through a Resource Efficiency Transformation Programme (ResET) for Industries in Kazakhstan 4348 Kazakhstan Climate Change Full-size Project European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 7,090,000 44,996,000 Project Approved
LGGE Promotion of Energy Efficient Lighting in Kazakhstan 4166 Kazakhstan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,400,000 28,622,338 Completed
National Biodiversity Project 4082 Angola Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,000,000 6,140,000 Completed
Sustainable Transport in the City Of Almaty 4013 Kazakhstan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,886,000 76,526,000 Completed
Elimination of POPs Wastes 3982 Kazakhstan Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project The World Bank 10,350,000 59,050,000 Cancelled
Energy Efficient Design and Construction in Residential Sector 3758 Kazakhstan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,568,500 27,895,340 Completed
Enabling activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Angola 3568 Angola Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 471,600 136,000 Completed
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management 3432 Angola Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 0 Project Approved
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of a National Adaptation Plan of Action 3409 Angola Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Environment Programme 200,000 Project Approved
Steppe Conservation and Management 3293 Kazakhstan Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,215,000 21,543,300 Completed
CACILM: Rangeland Ecosystem Management-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 3235 Kazakhstan Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 950,000 2,899,200 Completed
Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altai-Sayan Mountain Ecoregion 2836 Kazakhstan Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,395,700 16,338,700 Completed
Design and Execution of a Comprehensive PCB Management Plan for Kazakhstan 2816 Kazakhstan Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,300,000 17,519,680 Completed
Forest Protection and Reforestation 2354 Kazakhstan Land Degradation Full-size Project The World Bank 5,000,000 58,800,000 Completed
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Preparation of the First National Report to the Conference of the Parties 2034 Angola Biodiversity Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 339,000 Completed