Displaying 1 - 30 of 60
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Enabling the Kingdom of Bhutan to prepare its Fourth National Communication (4NC) and First and Second Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1-2) to the UNFCCC 11480 Bhutan Climate Change Enabling Activity Food and Agriculture Organization 1,233,000 Project Approved
Support to the Productive Development Bank for the deployment of the Eco-efficiency Credit Programme in Bolivia 11450 Bolivia Climate Change, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 6,208,382 65,123,963 Concept Approved
Fourth National Communication (4NC), and First and Second Biennial Transparency Report (1BTR and 2BTR) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the UNFCCC 11334 Bolivia Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 1,233,000 Project Approved
Productive and Sustainable Food Systems in Bhutan for Environmental Benefits and Gross National Happiness 11223 Bhutan Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 9,585,933 49,540,000 Concept Approved
Safeguarding the systems of life of Bolivia´s Amazon Forests 11204 Bolivia Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 18,782,569 113,045,937 Concept Approved
Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Urban Landscapes and Communities in Thimphu-Paro region of Bhutan (ECRUL) 11109 Bhutan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 18,048,624 62,186,000 Concept Approved
Environmental routes to incorporate communities in good conservation practices and nature-based businesses that promote human development in ecosystems of high environmental and social vulnerability in the Regional Corridor El Palmar - Tariquia, in the dep 11034 Bolivia Biodiversity Medium-size Project Development Bank of Latin America 1,855,763 14,567,660 Project Approved
Advancing Climate Resilience of Water Sector in Bhutan (ACREWAS) 10779 Bhutan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 8,932,420 25,132,000 Project Approved
Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Bolivia 10751 Bolivia Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,959,132 3,700,000 Project Approved
Amazon Sustainable Landscape Approach in the National System of Protected Areas and Strategic Ecosystems of Bolivia 10730 Bolivia Biodiversity Full-size Project Development Bank of Latin America 10,056,189 38,371,258 Cancelled
Strengthening institutional and technical capacities for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Bhutan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 10669 Bhutan Climate Change Medium-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 1,776,484 1,895,600 Project Approved
Programme to sustainably manage and restore land and biodiversity in the Guadalquivir Basin 10627 Bolivia Land Degradation Medium-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 1,555,012 21,202,414 Project Approved
GEF GOLD+ Bolivia: Enhancing the formalization and mercury reduction in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Plurinational State of Bolivia 10602 Bolivia Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 6,583,500 21,774,981 Project Approved
Strengthening the integral and sustainable management of biodiversity and forests by indigenous peoples and local communities in fragile ecosystems of the dry forests of the Bolivia Chaco 10393 Bolivia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 3,502,968 22,571,046 Project Approved
National action plan in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector in the Plurinational State of Bolivia 10310 Bolivia Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 500,000 31,000 Project Approved
Amazon sustainable landscape approach in the Plurinational System of Protected Areas and Strategic Ecosystems of Bolivia 10295 Bolivia Biodiversity Full-size Project Development Bank of Latin America 10,056,189 38,371,258 Project Approved
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Tourism Sector in Bhutan 10234 Bhutan Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,854,128 9,072,562 Project Approved
Bhutan Sustainable Low-emission Urban Transport Systems 9367 Bhutan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 2,639,726 10,318,000 Completed
Sixth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Bolivia 9248 Bolivia Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 3,634,703 12,101,505 Project Approved
Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Resilience of Forest and Agricultural Landscape and Community Livelihoods 9199 Bhutan Biodiversity, Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 13,967,124 42,630,300 Project Approved
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 5888 Regional, Bolivia Biodiversity Enabling Activity Inter-American Development Bank 440,000 100,000 Completed
Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Amazonia by Indigenous and Local Communities to Generate Multiple Environmental and Social Benefits 5755 Bolivia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 6,208,848 26,393,386 Project Approved
Environmentally Sound Management of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) - Containing Equipment and Wastes and Upgrade of Technical Expertise in Bolivia 5646 Bolivia Chemicals and Waste, Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 2,000,000 9,696,435 Project Approved
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing 5448 Bhutan Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,000,000 3,003,668 Completed
Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting 5299 Bolivia Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 3,059,361 13,467,575 Project Approved
Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 5219 Bolivia Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 205,000 260,000 Completed
Addressing the Risk of Climate-induced Disasters through Enhanced National and Local Capacity for Effective Actions 4976 Bhutan Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 11,491,200 54,539,829 Completed
NAP Alignment and Report Preparation 4824 Regional, Bhutan Land Degradation Enabling Activity GEF Secretariat, The World Bank 150,000 52,500 Project Approved
Sustainable Financing for Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management 4579 Bhutan Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project The World Bank 4,080,000 12,328,000 Completed
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agro-biodiversity to Improve Human Nutrition in Five Macro Eco-regions 4577 Bolivia Biodiversity Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 2,600,000 14,115,021 Project Approved