Displaying 1 - 30 of 72
Title ID Countries Focal Areas Type Agencies GEF Grant Cofinancing Status
Climate-resilient Banjul: Enhancing Urban Resilience in the Greater Banjul Area (CLIMB) 11532 Gambia Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 12,544,037 35,444,194 Concept Approved
Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resilience Project (PAREC) 11466 Mali Climate Change Full-size Project West African Development Bank 10,000,000 65,371,236 Concept Approved
Restauration of an ecological corridor for forest biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services to support implementation of the Great Green Wall in The Gambia (RECOSERV Gambia) 11460 Gambia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 7,142,202 46,195,000 Concept Approved
Integrated urban development in Bamako 11340 Mali Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,742,965 35,500,000 Concept Approved
Accelerating ecosystems restoration by mobilizing communities along the Great Green Wall corridor  11136 Mali Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 7,139,450 186,242,814 Concept Approved
GEF GOLD+ Mali: Enhancing the formalization and mercury reduction in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Mali 10846 Mali Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Conservation International 5,150,000 31,651,256 Project Approved
Mali national child project under the Africa Minigrids Program 10834 Mali Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,784,476 147,638,282 Project Approved
Strengthening integrated approaches to build climate resilience of vulnerable rural communities and agricultural production systems in the central region of Segou in the Republic of Mali. 10823 Mali Climate Change Medium-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 1,776,484 31,170,000 Project Approved
Climate security and sustainable management of natural resources in the central regions of Mali for peacebuilding 10687 Mali Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 7,512,557 66,597,283 Project Approved
Effective Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing of the Nagoya Protocol and Integration into Planned co-management Arrangements in the Nyambai Forest Park of The Gambia 10677 Gambia Biodiversity Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 3,074,886 12,898,357 Project Approved
Integrated Landscape Management Gambia (INLAMAG) Project 10572 Gambia Land Degradation Full-size Project International Fund for Agricultural Development 4,708,582 29,201,100 Project Approved
Mali's Fourth National Communication within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change 10495 Mali Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 500,000 400,000 Project Approved
Strengthening capacity of institutions in The Gambia to meet transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement 10485 Gambia Climate Change Medium-size Project Conservation International 1,100,000 145,000 Project Approved
Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali’s Kayes Region 10362 Mali Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 6,831,964 27,875,700 Project Approved
Improving Water Availability in The Gambia’s Rural and Peri-Urban Communities for Domestic and Agricultural Use 10199 Gambia Climate Change Full-size Project African Development Bank 8,949,766 10,831,500 Project Approved
Landscape Planning and Restoration to Improve Ecosystem Services, and Livelihoods, Expand and Effectively Manage Protected Areas 9772 Gambia Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 5,644,685 19,997,260 Project Approved
Mali- Community-based Natural Resource Management that Resolves Conflict, Improves Livelihoods and Restores Ecosystems throughout the Elephant Range 9661 Mali Biodiversity, Land Degradation Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 4,116,055 14,195,675 Project Approved
Capacity Building for PCBs and U-POPs in The Gambia 9570 Gambia Chemicals and Waste Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,998,000 8,000,000 Project Approved
Operationalization of the SE4All Action Agenda: Promoting Inclusive, Environmentally-sound and Low-carbon Development 9495 Gambia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,781,484 6,418,013 Project Approved
MALI First Biennial Update Report 9336 Regional, Mali Climate Change Enabling Activity United Nations Development Programme 352,000 71,000 Cancelled
Scaling up a Multiple Benefits Approach to Enhance Resilience in Agro- and Forest Landscapes of Mali’s Sahel Regions (Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou) 9293 Mali Climate Change, Land Degradation, Chemicals and Waste Full-size Project African Development Bank 8,605,023 59,452,886 Concept Approved
Strengthening Adaptative Capacities to Climate Change through Capacity Building for Small Scale Enterprises and Communities Dependent on Coastal Fisheries in The Gambia 9194 Gambia Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 2,200,000 9,621,062 Project Approved
Generating Global Environment Benefits through Improved Environmental Information, Planning and Decision Making Systems 6971 Mali Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,050,000 2,550,000 Completed
Flood Hazard and Climate Risk Management to Secure Lives and Assets in Mali 5855 Mali Climate Change Full-size Project United Nations Development Programme 8,925,000 51,746,907 Project Approved
Promoting Sustainable Electricity Generation in Malian Rural Areas through Hybrid Technologies 5819 Mali Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,158,744 24,012,393 Project Approved
Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in the Gambia 5782 Gambia Climate Change Full-size Project Food and Agriculture Organization 6,288,356 36,830,000 Project Approved
Scaling up and Replicating Successful Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Agroforestry Practices in the Koulikoro Region of Mali 5746 Mali Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation Medium-size Project United Nations Environment Programme 1,543,835 7,785,000 Project Approved
Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Republic of Mali 5644 Mali Chemicals and Waste Enabling Activity United Nations Industrial Development Organization 225,000 235,000 Completed
Greening the Productive Sectors in Gambia: Promoting the Use and Integration of Small to Medium Scale Renewable Energy Systems in the Productive Uses 5609 Gambia Climate Change Medium-size Project United Nations Industrial Development Organization 1,319,635 3,175,388 Project Approved
Gambia Protected Areas Network and Community Livelihood Project 5529 Gambia Biodiversity Medium-size Project United Nations Development Programme 1,324,310 4,690,909 Completed