September 8 Summary of Project The Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway is the second most important flyway for migratory soaring birds (raptors, storks, pelicans and some ibis) in the world, with over 1.5 million birds of 39 species, including 6 globally threatened species, using this corridor between their breeding grounds in Europe and West Asia and wintering areas in Africa each year. The aim of this project is to mainstream migratory soaring bird considerations into the productive sectors along the flyway that pose the greatest risk to the safe migration of thse birds-principally hunting, energy, agriculture and waste management-while promoting activities in sectors which could benefit from these birds, such as ecotourism. The project will pilot a new, innovative and cost-effective approach, termed "double-mainstreaming", that seeks to integrate flyway issues into existing national or donor-funded "vehicles" of reform or change management in the key sectors through the provision of technical services and support ************** PDF B Summary of Project The Overall goal of this project is to establish a regional conservation and monitoring program targeting globally significant bird species (including raptors) and bird habitats in the east Palearctic and west Arabian flyway. This flyway is an area of global biodiversity significance characterized by thousands of migratory birds that hibernate in southern Europe and the Middle East. Some of the world’s most diverse wetlands, steppes, deserts and marine ecosystems are also found along this flyway providing habitats and ecosystems for diverse assemblages of plant and animal species, birds in particular. Approximately, 800 species of birds are identified in this area, of which 60 species are known to be endemic and about 150 species are threatened and/or endangered. Upon, the completion of the preparatory phase, the project will undertake the following activities: 1) Undertake baseline ecological and socio-economic surveys at the grass root level and institutional framework analysis; 2) Develop local community consultation and involvement mechanism; 3) Prepare/update conservation plans for the selected IBAs; 4) Adopt/design a regional satellite based monitoring scheme to monitor dynamics of key birds of the flyway; 5) Establish training, awareness raising and capacity building programs on protection, conservation, management, monitoring and surveying techniques for birds and birds habitats; 6) Negotiate incentives, biodiversity friendly options and use agreements with local and national stakeholders to conserve bird habitats and biodiversity and to protect the wider environment; 7) Enhance regional co-ordination and cooperation through interactive and internet based information system; 8) Develop/update proper regulatory measures, policies and legal frameworks to enhance protection of critical bird habitats and species in the flyway.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
BirdLife International
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed
Project Cancelled