Project Objective: to raise awareness of the value of green hydrogen, address barriers to production and use, and support the development of first-of-a-kind projects in developing countries.

Project Description Summary: The proposed GEF-funded project (“Green Hydrogen Support in Developing Countries”) will consist of two main components. Component 1 will target Global Knowledge TA work through the establishment of a high-level Green Hydrogen Development Facility (Green Hydrogen Facility) that will serve as a global platform to disseminate best practices and facilitate global knowledge exchange to raise awareness between public and private sector stakeholders on different green hydrogen technology applications and policy solutions. Component 2 will target the development/operationalization of emerging green hydrogen opportunities through first-of-a-kind projects in 4 countries, namely, Chile, Morocco, Tunisia, and Ukraine to fast-track public-private investment mobilization for green hydrogen project development.

Overall, the project will aim to promote policy innovations to support green hydrogen technology development and transfer in order to reduce global green house gas (GHG) emissions, which closely aligns with the GEF-7 Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) Focal Area objectives. As such, the project will focus on multiple policy, strategy, and technology application use cases of green hydrogen across sectors starting in the power sector from long-duration storage and the integration of renewables to hard-to-abate heavy industry (cement, chemicals, steele, etc.) solutions. In addition, the proposal will focus on green hydrogen solutions across other key sectors such as transport (long-distance trucking, shipping, and aviation) and agriculture (ammonia production) including the building sector.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
The World Bank
Approval FY
Project Approved
Executing Agencies
World Bank
GEF Period
GEF - 7
Project Type
Medium-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Project Approved for Implementation