This project is consistent with the GEF Forest Ecosystem operational program (OP#3), it responds to priorities in key Indonesian conservation strategies, namely The National Conservation Plan for Indonesia, the Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia as well as two of the primary objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity: conservation and sustainable use. With respect to Sangihe and Karakelang, and on a small-scale, this project will apply emerging principles of the ecosystem approach, adopted by the CBD. Because Sangihe is a cultural landscape with no existing protected area, and threats derive locally, we propose an integrated landscape approach. On Talaud there is already a protected area and threats derive from higher level policy we propose a more traditional protected area management approach. For Sangihe, the project will seek to strengthen protection, and increase local-level support for an area of protection forest because of its ecosystem services,as an alternative strategy to the establishment of a conventional nature reserve or sanctuary. The success of such an approach would be of immense relevance to other areas of biodiversity importance in Indonesia, which are currently classified as watershed protection forest and at present lie outside the country’s protected area network. For Karakelang, Talaud, the project has already achieved a change in status of an existing reserve and will build on this to strengthen protection and support government agencies in their management work. A Public Awareness Programme will be implemented linking the two sites and addressing the social and cultural context in which their management is embedded. The conservation education campaign will employ social marketing techniques to build awareness and pride in the islands’ unique biodiversity, as well as the importance of forest resources. It will adapt the RARE approach to conservation which has been successful on other small tropical islands outside Indonesia and build upon people’s strong sense of island identity. This campaign aims to significantly increase levels of public and government support for conservation activities and future initiatives on Sangihe and Karakelang. This project will work in close collaboration with the Regency authorities and local parliament. The local bupati has already shown strong commitment and support for conservation efforts and support from the kabupaten government will be crucial to achieving the project’s objectives, especially on Sangihe. As the process of decentralization in Indonesia unfolds, this project will have much wider relevance as a model in demonstrating the workability of conservation initiatives and responsibilities at local government level.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
The World Bank
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
BirdLife International
GEF Period
GEF - 2
Project Type
Medium-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed