1. Development of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Program (further Management Program) in accord to the Estonian Water Act, European Water Framework Directive, and Russian Water Code . THIS WILL INCLUDE (see Annex 4 for an explanation of the steps proposed): a)Developing appropriate institutional arrangements for coordination of activities of the Estonian and Russian national river basin authorities with the GEF project team and other project groups (TACIS, other) in the region involved in preparation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Plan; b)Assessment of environmental state in the Lake Peipsi Basin and identification of key water management issues in the basin; c)Preparation of a coordinated program for surface water monitoring between the two countries on Lake Peipsi using UN ECE guidelines for monitoring and assessment of transboundary lakes; d)Designing a program of measures to reduce nutrient load pollution, INCLUDING (1) a detailed program of environmental protection measures to reduce the nutrient load (Nutrient Load Reduction Plan); and (2) a regional development program aimed at diversification of economic activities in the region and promoting ecological tourism and ecological farming (the activities will include, for example, a marketing program for ecological farming for vegetables grown in Lake Peipsi area); e)Support to the Lake Peipsi River Basin authorities in preparation of the Lake Peipsi Basin Management Plan as a strategy document as required by the EU, Estonian and Russian water legislations; f)Development of a sound legal framework for long-term effective implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Plan. The framework should merge needs for protection of the international waters and global environment, as well as requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive, the Russian Water Code, and the Russian Act on Environmental Protection for the lake basin management. To add to the existing legal basis for management of transboundary waters, a special protocol on preparation and implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Plan to the agreement on transboundary waters maybe signed between the two governments however a specific proposal for the legal instrument (protocol or something else) is to be developed during the project in consultation with the respective authorities. Elaboration of the enforceable legal framework will establish “rules of game” and will provide financial and non-financial incentives for all “actors” in the region that are involved in regional development and environmental protection. This will also ensure that the project would build on a strong commitment for cooperative work of the two governments to prepare and implement a joint Management Program. g)Developing a public involvement plan as a part of the Lake Peipsi Basin Management Plan - a mechanism of involvement of public into implementation of the Management Plan (citizens panels, etc.) as required by Practical Resource document for implementation of the EU WFD (Annex 4). 2.Establishing an institutional “ecosystem” of organizations, the “Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe region multi-stakeholder community”, that should incorporate agencies and stakeholder groups in the region on different levels of governance across the border to promote discussion of water management issues in both “top-down” and “down-up” directions and to ensure involvement of public in preparation and implementation of the Management Plan. This will be achieved through: a)Strengthening institutional capacity of the Commission and the national authorities to implementation of the Management Plan through technical assistance, travel to other transboundary water lakes, etc. b)Strengthening capacity of local authorities to their involvement in preparation and implementation of the Management Plan; c)Activities aimed at raising capacity of stakeholder groups (farmers, fishermen, small and medium businesses, especially those in service and tourism industry) to implementation of the Management Plan and nutrient load reduction plan through assistance in marketing of organic farming and promoting diversification of economic activities in the region; d)Support to NGOs in the region – training, small projects grant program, annual Peipsi NGO forums, and developing a dialogues between authorities and NGOs on a role of NGOs in implementation of Management Plan. e)Involving communities in preparation and implementation of the Lake Peipsi Management Plan through developing a public information and environmental education program on eutrophication related issues through mass media, campaigns, and schools. 3. Supporting activities to implementation of the Management Program through a)Developing an information exchange and communication system (on the basis of the Water Commission website www.envir.ee/jc and using Internet GIS and email lists) to facilitate communication and information exchange system among different levels of governance and economy sectors and across

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
GEF Period
GEF - 2
Project Type
Medium-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed