Input of nutrients to the Black Sea from riverine and land based sources is the most important transboundary source of environmental degradation identified during previous GEF facilitated actions in the region. As a result, the littoral countries have agreed to take steps to reverse this trend (SAP).The project's objective is to help the Black Sea countries to prevent and remediate nutrient releases through evaluating the use of economic instruments, development and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, strengthening public participation, monitoring of trends and compliance, and strengthening the institutional and management capacities of the recently established Black Sea Secretariat. This project is part of a wider GEF/UNDP/WB effort which is being designed to achieve nutrient runoff reduction throughout the Black Sea Basin, including the Danube. Two parallel complementary initiatives are being taken: (i) demonstrations of nutrient reduction investment projects (WB), and (ii) policy/legal reforms and capacity building in the riparian/littoral countries of the Black Sea (this proposal) and Danube. Activities for the Black Sea will include: (i) scheme for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the SAP; (ii) feasibility study for nutrient reduction trading system; (iii) actions for revising the Bucharest Convention in accordance with the GPA; (iv) monitoring of trends and compliance; (v) facilitating the formulation and implementation of legislation with respect to nutrient discharge and control. Funds for project preparation would be required for: country coordination; assessment of each country capacity to assess tha state of the Black Sea environment; ensure cooperation for project implementation among related ministries, the Istambul Commission, and international agencies; design a transparent public participation process; define execution arrangements between UNDP and the Istambul Commission; design a training program for the Commission's Secretariat staff. The proposal was submitted for Fall, 2000 but funding constraints prevented inclusion. It is now submitted as a phased element of the larger Strategic Partnership on the Danube/Black Sea basin. Phase I covers first two years as noted in the Cover note(attached)

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
GEF Period
GEF - 2
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed