The development objective is the setting natural resources management and biodiversity protection in critical ecological regions on an effective and sustainable footing with active participation from local populations and other relevant stakeholders, while at the same time incorporating environmental dimensions in public policy making and investment decisions. The proposed UNDP/GEF and IDA/GEF funding supports the third five-year phase of the Environmental Action Plan (PAE). The PAE was adopted by the Government of Madagascar in 1989, while implementation started in 1991 with the support of a broad coalition of bilateral donors (Germany, France, Switzerland, USA), international agencies (GEF, IDA, UNDP) and NGOs (WWF, Conservation International). Ahead of its time, the PAE was designed from its inception as a fifteen-year investment program divided into three five-year phases. The first five-year phase aimed at creating a proper policy, regulatory and institutional framework so as to generate the conditions for genuine country ownership of the environmental agenda that prior to the PAE used to be set and driven by the donor community. The second phase of the PAE aimed at consolidating the programs initiated under the first phase while expanding into the forest and marine and coastal sectors. The established national institutions were put more firmly in the driver's seat. The third phase aims to achieve the mainstreaming of environment into macroeconomic management and sector programs, mainstreaming into local governance and community initiatives, and putting into place sustainable financing mechanisms for the environment. The third phase of PAE incorporates an “exit strategy”, meaning that the third phase is supporting to progressively reduce dependence on donor funds and a move towards internally managed funds for operating and investment cost of PAE, while leaving open the door for continued donor assistance to a country–led programmatic approach to environmental management. WB, UNDP and GEF support is geared towards assisting the GoM in the implementation of selective elements of the third phase of the overall Environmental Action Plan based on the incremental cost principle. It is complementary to, and builds upon support provided by other partners and co-financiers. It is against this background that the development objective of the project is specified as: setting natural resources management and biodiversity protection in critical ecological regions on an effective and sustainable footing with active participation from local populations and other relevant stakeholders, while at the same time incorporating environmental dimensions in public policy making and investment decisions. The innovative mechanisms set in motion by PE II for donor coordination will continue to be effectively used. GEF financing would aim to preserve the quality of regional and global commons with contributions to the following activities: i.Demonstration and mainstreaming of best models for sustainable community-based forest and fisheries management to improve biodiversity conservation in the production sectors and participatory planning and private sector involvement in the development of sustainably produced biodiversity products (UNDP). ii.Improvement of the long-term financial, institutional, social and environmental sustainability of the national protected area system through (World Bank): a. Rationalization of the PA system to increase representativeness through re-delineating boundaries and establishment of new protected areas; b.Consolidation of the emerging PA system through strengthened surveillance, improved monitoring and evaluation, investments in critical infrastructure, and improvement of management effectiveness; c.Stakeholder participation in PA management through decentralized community governance structures and capacity building for biodiversity conservation through partnerships with civil society groups; d.Gradual decrease on dependence of donor funding through development of a sustainable financing mechanism for the protected area network.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
The World Bank
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of Water and Forests
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed