Project Objectives This NCSA project proposes to develop a comprehensive strategy for capacity building to address environmental management issues at the national and international levels. The NCSA will capitalize on the wealth of information already available in terms of the needs and constraints for capacity building in the RMI. The project will help identify capacity building needs at the individual, institutional and systematic levels of the participating government agencies and NGOs in the RMI. It will involve a large number of individuals, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector. A series of meetings and workshops will be conducted to map out an implementation plan for the NCSA and to raise stakeholder awareness about the project. The planned NCSA program for RMI will involve a comprehensive and integrated assessment/analysis of all aspects of environmental management and conservation in terms of future capacity building programs. The assessment will be country-owned and driven. It will be holistic, examining capacity needs at the systematic, institutional, and individual level and will also identify any synergies, obligations, and conflicting priorities between and among the thematic areas and priority actions. National stakeholders will be engaged in a consultative process and it is envisioned that such a program would also assist the country in addressing environment-related issues that are in line with the priorities set forth in the country’s National Strategic Development Policy Guide, Vision 2018 as well as its commitment to the WSSD MDG and the BpoA+10 targets The primary goal of the National Capacity for Self-Assessment is to identify, through a country-driven consultative process, priorities and needs for capacity building to protect the global environment.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Marshall Islands
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Small Islands Developing States
Executing Agencies
Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination (OEPPC)/Office of the President
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Enabling Activity
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed