This is the second phase of a large and complex regional project in the Nile Basin with $90 million plus in co-financing known as the Nile Basin Initiative. The first phase was artificially reduced in the early 2000's because of lack of funding in the GEF. An evaluation was conducted and this second phase submitted for GEF consideration. The project contributes to the goals of GEF-4 IW Strategic Objective 2: it plays a catalytic role in addressing transboundary water concerns by assisting countries to utilize the full range of technical assistance and institutional reforms that are needed. It is also fostering international (14+ donors and a least 4 International Organizations), multi-state cooperation (9 countries and 1 observer) on priority transboundary water and environmental concerns through more comprehensive, ecosystem-based approaches to environment management and therefore makes a contribution to Strategic Objective 1 as well. The project addresses one of the four identified global concerns, namely, overuse and conflicting uses of water resources in the Nile Basin as targeted under Strategic Programme 3. Project activities fo¬cus on area-wide interventions that involve integrated land and water resources management as well as preventive measures to address environmental threats. It does this primarily through the facilitation and capacity building for the integrated management and use of land and water resources according to the principles of IWRM. The project also contributes to the biodiversity fo¬cal area through its work on wetlands. More specifically, it targets GEF-4 BD Strategic Objective 1 - capacity building in management planning for sustainable use of wetlands biodiversity. It also addresses the control and management of invasive alien species as listed under BD SO 4. The scope of the project spans the entire Nile Basin and activities are targeted at multicountry, na¬tional interministerial, and subnational/community levels. Other indicators identified for SP 3 and targeted by the project include the setting up of national inter-ministry committees, ministerially-agreed action programmes and leading to experience sharing and learning, knowledge management, and replication of good practices that contribute to sustaining livelihoods as well as food and water security. Similar targets will be pursued by the project for regional/basin agreements and ensuring that the mandate of the emerging permanent basin organization includes environmental functions. During the Second Phase, the NTEAP will strive towards the following updated Objective: To protect critical Nile Basin ecosystems from transboundary threats through the provision of a strategic environmental framework and the engagement of stakeholders according to the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). This Objective provides a sharper focus for NTEAP on aspects of the NBI spectrum that are not being addressed by any of the other six SVP projects. It acknowledges that it is not necessary for NTEAP to continue working in areas where there is a specific project, and its limited resources are better spent covering those aspects of the Nile “environment” not covered by other projects, namely “ecosystems”, while still seeking to work through the Strategic Environment Framework and the engagement of stakeholders, according to IWRM principles.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
GEF Period
GEF - 4
Project Type
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed