[From Oct 2004 submission: China uses DDT as intermediate for the production of Dicofol, an organochlorine used as miticide for a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and crops. This usage of DDT - an accepted specific exemption under the SC - presently leads to Dicofol with 10% DDT as "impurity". Clearly unacceptably high, and not in line with the international standard adopted by China in 2003 of 0.1 %. Dicofol itself is not without risk. Its close structural relationship with DDT explains that it is toxic, rather persistent and bioaccumulative, and a suspected endocrine disruptor. China’s strategy therefore, rather than to try and improve the production of Dicofol to reduce DDT contamination, is to phase-out the use of Dicofol itself.] April 2005 - resubmission: "The first phase project proposed herewith addresses the immediate objective of improving dicofol production technology to meet Convention standards, and as a longer term objective, will verify the effectiveness of IPM-based interventions to replace dicofol for disease vector control. In addition, feasibility studies will be undertaken to evaluate the costs and implications of eventual closure of dicofol production facilities in the target areas, as well as the production availability of alternatives. This project [would propose] to advance the objectives of China’s strategy by the following actions: 1. Implement production technology improvements at Dicofol production plants to reduce residual DDT levels to acceptable trace contaminant amounts. 2. Assess a suite of IPM-based interventions in three provinces covering several major crops and ecological conditions likely to be encountered throughout the country, including training and technology transfer as appropriate. 3. Conduct feasibility studies to determine the costs and implications of closure of dicofol production facilities in the pilot-scale target areas. 4. Conduct feasibility studies to determine the necessity and extent of capacity building requirements for dicofol alternatives. 5. Build capacity through institutional strengthening, including addressing any necessary regulatory requirements to support the project objectives. 6. Disseminate the results of the pilot-scale trials, conduct awareness raising activities, and develop a replication strategy for the results."

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
Convention Implementation Office, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, State Environmental Protection Administration (FECO/SEPA)
GEF Period
GEF - 4
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed