The six goals of the NBSAP define the country’s priorities in the area of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. The approved NBSAP Goals and Objectives are the following: Goal 1: Ensure the conservation of a full range of Zambia’s natural ecosystems through a network of protected areas of viable size. This will be achieved through three objectives: O-1 To assess the coverage of Zambia’s ecosystems in the existing protected areas network in order to ensure inclusion of all of Zambia’s major ecosystems; O-2 To modify the existing protected areas network to include representative areas of viable size of all of Zambia’s major ecosystems. O-3 To enhance the effective participation of stakeholders in the management of the PA network in place Goal 2: Conservation of the genetic diversity of Zambia’s crops and livestock. This will be achieved through three objectives: O-1 To conserve the genetic diversity of traditional crop varieties and their wild relatives; O-2 To conserve the genetic diversity of traditional livestock breeds Goal 3: Improve the legal and institutional framework and human resources to implement the strategies for conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits from biodiversity. This will be achieved through three objectives: O-1 To strengthen and develop appropriate legal and institutional frameworks for the management of biodiversity in Zambia’s PAs. O-2 To develop a co-ordination mechanism among institutions responsible for biodiversity management. O-3 To improve biodiversity knowledge in Zambia. Goal 4: Sustainable use and management of biological resources. This will be achieved through two objectives: O-1 To develop and implement local management systems that promote sustainable use of biological resources; O-2 To establish sustainable maximum yields of biological resources and design and implement a system of monitoring their utilization and management. Goal 5: Develop an appropriate legal and institutional framework and the needed human resources to minimize the risks of GMOs. There are two objectives: O-1 To establish an appropriate institutional framework for bio-safety. O-2 To develop adequate human resources for bio-safety. Goal 6: Ensure the equitable sharing of benefits from the use of Zambia’s biological resources. There are two objectives: O-1 To develop and adopt a legal and institutional framework, which will ensure that benefits are shared equitably; O-2 To create and strengthen community-based natural resources management institutions.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Project Approved
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources
GEF Period
GEF - 3
Project Type
Enabling Activity
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation