July 16, 2007 The ultimate objective of this project is to improve the enabling conditions to: (i) increase access to conservation funding by Indigenous Peoples and (ii) to conserve biodiversity through the increased participation of Indigenous Peoples in conservation programs worldwide. The proposed MSP addresses the issue of limited access to international conservation funding experienced by Indigenous Peoples. First Peoples Worldwide plans to promote knowledge sharing on current conservation funding practices, to identify the main obstacles to Indigenous Peoples access to these funds, to document these obstacles and to provide strategic and innovative options on alternative practices that would make international conservation funding more available and accessible to Indigenous Peoples. The project will also establish an active network of Indigenous Practitioners to share knowledge on best customary conservation and stewardship programs by IPs that have been successfully funded. This project will likely result in increased conservation funding made available to and successfully obtained by Indigenous Peoples. This in turn would lead to the long-term effective management of IP controlled protected areas and , which would, in turn, increased biodiversity conservation outcomes worldwide. May 2007 The ultimate goal of the project is to promote indigenous peoples' practices of land management which involve sustainable use of natural resources resulting in the preservation of biodiversity and reduction in land degradation. Indigenous peoples have claims for up to 24 percent of the earth's total land surface and 80 percent of the earth's remaining biodiversity are in these lands. If half of the indigenous peoples' territories were protected, these areas combined with 7.6 percent of the earth's land mass in developing countries already under protected status, would double the amount of the entire world's surface that is under protection. At an meeting in Sept 2006 among the First Peoples Worldwide (FPW), the World Bank, and GEF Secretariat, it was agreed that the FPW will prepare a proposal to assess how their proposed initiative (PMIS#3198: refer to the review sheet on GEFSEC comments) could be linked with the SGP, CEPF, TerrAfrica, and other GEF programs. Based on an email dated 19 Dec 2006 from the WB, it was further agreed that the FPW will prepare a small MSP project brief for an amount of $250000 to conduct such an assessment. The proposed proposal has a slightly different focus from the above agreement, with a purpose to increase access of conservation funding to indigenous peoples.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
The World Bank
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
First Peoples Worldwide
GEF Period
GEF - 4
Project Type
Medium-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed