1) Rationale:

The Kyrgyz Republic acceded to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in 1997 and ratified it in 1999. As well as other Convention parties, Kyrgyzstan accepts the importance of capacity enhancement for adequate national planning, in particular through the establishment of institutions, staff training and increasing the respective local and national opportunities for effective implementation of joint programs for SLM and control of the land degradation at different levels. Land degradation is a serious economic, social and ecological problem for the Kyrgyz Republic. It
makes a direct impact on the livelihoods of the population through reducing productivity of land
resources and makes a negative impact on stability, functions and services, relating to natural

According to National Statistics Committee, population of Kyrgyzstan numbered to 5.4 mln in 2009, 65% of whom lived in rural areas. Rural poverty (which equals to 37%) causes and exacerbates land degradation, as majority of land users are lacking financial resources and, thus, are unable to implement sustainable practices in land management and halt desertification processes.

To cope with land degradation in Kyrgyzstan a UNCCD National Action Plan was developed in 2000 which was aimed at assistance to the Government on elaboration and implementation of policy measures and other activites against desertification as well as resource mobilization for SLM from external sources. The NAP has identified the following priorities:
- Raising of public awareness on degradation processes and its consequences, capacity enhancement on practical methods and techniques on sustainable land management;
- Strengethening of the institutional framework aimed at efficient coordination, decentralization, and better rural livelihoods;
- Improvement of infertile lands, prevention of waterlogging, salinization, erosion of soils, for increase of arable lands' productivity and poverty alleviation ;
- Restoration of degraded pastures and development of transhumant livestock management;
- Afforestation activities for stabilization of slope soils and provision of fuelwood for population;
- Monitoring of land degradation, support of combading desertification.

The implementation of the NAP was planned in the below sequence:
- data collection, analysis of desertification processes and existing best practices (at local level);
- involvement of stakeholders at grassroots level;
- state and public support of the anti-desrtification agenda.

However, it should be noted that NAP was developed more than 10 years ago and therefore significant changes have occured since then in the international and national contexts. In 2008 UNCCD has issued the 10 year strategy which outlined main challenges that hindered the Convention and formulated new strategic as well as operational objectives aimed at enhanced implementation of the Convention. At the national level even more profound socio-economical changes have occurred. In April 2010, after series of civil demonstrations and uprisings the Government was changed and, more importantly, the fundamental reformation of the governance system took place. As a result, the presidential power was significantly reduced and balanced by parliamentarian authority. Therefore, there is an acute need in Kyrgyzstan to update the UNCCD National Action Plan to reflect the developments in the international and national contexts.

Unfortunately, the current socio-economic situation in Kyrgyzstan makes it very difficult for the Government to commit tangible resources from state budget for priorities lying in the domains not immediately related to econoic growth, political stability, social protection and poverty alleviation.
Therefore, the funds available through GEF for enabling activities on UNCCD might become an inestimable contribution towards combatting with land degradation, and throught it, towards sustainable development of the country.

2) Description of proposed components and activities:

The main goal of the Project is to build national capacity to implement the UNCCD through activities on update/alignment of the NAP in accordance with objectives of the 10-year Strategy, and providing support to the country on UNCCD reporting procedures/methodologies taking into account the new performance and impact indicators to be considered at COP 10. The main emphasis in the Project is given to the capacitating of the national specialists and experts from relevant organizations and bodies to better organize the work on implementation of the Strategy, so that upon the Project completion Kyrgyzstan would be able to accomplish similar activities on its own, without relying on technical expertize and assistance from international organizations and donors. It is hoped, that with the help of the proposed project activities the national ownership and commitment will be significantly improved through broad and in-depth involvement of relevant national stakeholders, including the civil society organizations, business enterprises, and local communities. A gender perspective will also be considered through broad involvement of women into

A) Activities on NAP alignment

1. Stocktaking, assessment and awareness raising.

a. To ensure that the updated NAP will reflect all related developments in the international and national contexts, a desk review of relevant plans, policies, reports and other documents (including NAP , National Programming Framework for SLM, Integrated Financing Strategy) needs to be undertaken.

b. There will be conducted 3 consultative meetings/workshops (inception, mid-way and concluding) for awareness raising and discussing of the NAP update/alignment and it’s implementation with major stakeholders.

c. Formulation of priorities for NAP update/alignment needs to be done. A special session on this subject will be held at the inception workshop to facilitate the formulation process.

2. Sthrengthening human and scientific capacity for NAP alignment.

a. Elaborate indicators for the implementation of the updated NAP taking into account the national circumstances. A specific session will be allocated for this task at the mid-way workshop.

b. Select and establish 5-10 national observatory sites for mid-term national monitoring and vulnerability assessments system. This activity will be implemented in collaboration with relevant national authorities responsible for land management and monitoring activities, and interested international organizations. There will be organized one round-table to address this issue.

c. A special web-site will be organized on raising public awareness and improvement of knowledge management system on land degradation (including traditional knowledge and best practices). The project will cover the costs of web-site design, domen purchase and maintenance of it for the duration of 10 years. All the relevant documentation (incuding NAPs, NPFs, reports by consultants, etc) will be open for public access.

3. Establishing and strenthening the policy and institutional framework for NAP alignment and implementation.

a. Conduct sectoral consultations to develop NAP priorities in the context of development planning, poverty reduction and climate change plans. To do this NAP national consultants will meet with relevant stakeholders to identify their recommendations and comments which later will be discussed at the midway consultative meeting/workshop on NAP update/alignment.

b. NAP priorities and main recommendations will be mainstreamed in relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral policies through involvement of various pertinent stakeholders into the processes of NAP update/alignment and participation of project experts in the consultations on development of sectoral and cross-sectoral policies. A special session will be allocated for this issue in all related worshops.

c. There has to be established a separate independent national office on UNCCD implementation, as currently there is no such office in place in the country. It will greatly enhance the national capacity of the national body on UNCCD implementation – Minsitry of Agriculture which has no financial resources available for such activity. Project envisages refurbishement of the office for 4-5 people which also be used for running the Project. It is expected that the required office space will be allocated by the Ministry of Agriculture free-of-charge, as their in kind contribution, for the duration of the Project and beyond.

d. There will be developed a plan on NAP implementation which will outline the strategy for optimal NAP realization. This task will be accomplished by the team of national specialists upon consultations with relevant stakeholders during the mid-way and conlcuding workshops/meetings.

4. Establishing the finance and technology framework for NAP implementation

a. There will be conducted an analysis/calculation of financial resources required and available (at the moment of NAP drafting) for NAP implementation. This task (as well as other related ones) will be done by National Consultant on SLM Financing (in collaboration with other National Consultants) who will be hired for 9 person-months.

b. National Consultant on SLM Financing will also follow up on the implementation of the Integrated Financing Strategies, as well as Integrated Investment Framework, which are currently being developed within the frames of the GEF/UNDP/GIZ/GM CACILM Multicountry Capacity Building Project. Particular attention will be paid to generation of the feasible project ideas which might be of interest for potential donors. Also there will be allocated certain amount to cover the related travel expenditures associated with participation of Kyrgyz specialists at the planned regional donor conference on financing of SLM in Central Asia.

c. To update the NAP according to prioritites identified by stakeholders and with due consideration of national peculiarities, a team of National Consultants will be hired consisting of 4 specialists – Team Leader on NAP update/alignment (18) person months), National consultant on SLM and Land Degradation (9 person months) and National Consultant on SLM Financing (see para 4a). A Project Coordinator also will be hired for the period of 18 months to manage the planned activities and administer the budget. Also, a separate budget will be earmarked for participation of Kyrgyzstan's representative in the UNCCD meetings and to share experiences with colleagues from other countries. Additionally, the upated NAP will be properly translated into English.

d. To ensure the timely uptake and application of progressive technologies a thorough review and analysis of technology transfer needs shall be undertaken. It is envisaged that the National consultant on SLM and Land Degradation will be tasked with this problem. This objective will be approached on the basis of stakeholders’ comments and recommendations on this issue (to be documented during consultative meetings), as well as meetings with farmers in the field.

B) Activities on UNCCD reporting

1. Strengthening human and scientific capacity for implementation of indicator-based monitoring and assessment.

a. National stakeholders will be trained at the inception workshop/meeting on UNCCD reporting in the reporting methodologies, procedures, and tools. Particular attention will be given to the new performance and impact indicators to be considered at COP 10.

b. There need to be established and organized data collection and knowledge management systems for the reporting and review processes. This task will be addressed at the stakeholders workshop/meeting with the help of the national consultant on UNCCD reporting.

2. Preparing reports for the second leg of the fourth reporting and review process.

a. A proper consultative process on preparation of the UNCCD reporting will be established through discussion of the reporting process with all relevant stakeholders and parties at the inception meeting and other relevant workshops/meetings.

b. There will be organized a workshop on stakeholder assessment and launch of the reporting process (which will be combined with stakeholders workshop/meeting mentioned above – 1b) which will clarify such aspects of the reporting as impact assessment, performance review, best practices and financial flows.

c. Under the lead of the national consultant on UNCCD reporting (who will be hired for 9 months) there will be prepared the draft report on UNCCD.

d. To finalize/review the UNCCD report there will be conducted a national validation workshop. National consultant on UNCCD reporting will organize and design the workshop.

e. On the basis of finalized UNCCD report there will be organized a submission of the report through the PRAIS portal. This activity will be done directly at the national validation workshop.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Kyrgyz Republic
Implementing Agencies
GEF Secretariat
The World Bank
Approval FY
Project Approved
Europe and Central Asia
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Agriculture
GEF Period
GEF - 5
Project Type
Enabling Activity
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation