The Republic of Belarus signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on June 11th 1992, ratified it on May 11th 2000 and became a Party to the UNFCCC on August 9th 2000.
On August 26th 2005, Belarus signed the legal document on accession to the Kyoto Protocol and to the UNFCCC and on November 24th 2005 became a Party to the Protocol. This is stipulated in Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 177 dated 10.04.2000 and No. 370 dated 12.08.2005 respectively.
In fulfillment of international obligations of the Republic of Belarus with respect to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, Belarus developed the necessary legal framework to implement efficiently these international agreements. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, in particular the Department of Hydrometeorology, is in charge for management of the entire activity in implementing the UNFCCC, while the RUE “BRC “Ecology” is involved in carrying out research in the climate change, maintaining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (GHG) and preparing the National Communications on Climate Change to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Up to date, the Republic of Belarus has submitted the following reporting documents to the UNFCCC Secretariat within the established deadlines: National Report On the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for 2009 and the Fifth National Communication (NC) On Climate Change. These reporting documents were prepared according to the requirements and guidelines for the preparation of the national communications included in Annex 1 to the Convention. The Republic of Belarus is a Party to the Annex 1 of the UNFCCC, but still it is a country with economy in transition.
The Sixth NC will be prepared in accordance with requirements and guidelines for the national communications by Parties included in Annex 1 to the Convention. All appropriate decisions of COPs and CMPs will be taken into account to prepare the Sixth NC in the best way.
Activities to be undertaken during the preparation of the Sixth NC:
- Analysis of previous climate change activities, stakeholder consultations, preparation of detailed project implementation plan.
- Description and analysis of the national circumstances.
- Preparation of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, including national inventory system and national registry of carbon units (NRCU).
- Policies and measures, including those in accordance with Article 2 of the Kyoto Protocol, and domestic and regional programs and legislative arrangements and enforcement and administrative procedures.
- Preparation of projections and assessment of the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto Protocol mechanisms (Articles 6,12, and 17).
- Assessment of the expected impacts of climate change, vulnerability and development of adaptation measures.
- Assessment of the financial resources and transfer of technology, including information under Article 10 and 11 , of the Kyoto Protocol, for the developing countries being a Parties to the UNFCCC.
- Description of the general policies on research and systematic observation and new achievements in this sphere.
- Description and analysis of the situation with the education, training and public awareness on climate change, including involvement of public and non-governmental organizations and participation in international activities.
There is no gender problem in the institutional structure of NC preparation.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (MoE) is in charge for supervision of the entire activity in implementing the UNFCCC in Belarus.
Department of Hydrometeorology in the structure of MoE has a special division which directs and controls activities of RUE “BRC “Ecology” in the climate change research and preparation of necessary national reports to the Secretariat of the UN FCCC, participates in developing programs and strategies in climate change.
RUE “BRC “Ecology” is a subordinate research institution of the MoE. RUE “BRC “Ecology” fulfils research in the climate change, maintaining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GHG) and preparing the National Communication on Climate Change to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat. RUE “BRC “Ecology” maintains national registry of carbon units. It also participates in development of national strategies and programs in climate change.
State Institution “Republican Hydrometeorological Center” is responsible for research and systematic observation of climate and weather forecasts.
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus will make a contribution into the chapter relating to assessment of the expected impacts of climate change, vulnerability and development of adaptation measures in different sectors of the national economy.
Independent national experts on climate change will be also involved in preparation of the following chapters 6th NC: projections and assessment of the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto Protocol mechanisms; assessment of the financial resources and transfer of technology.
Civil society organizations will also take part in 6th NC preparation.
After 6th NC is completed, it will be posted on the and websites, and all stakeholders, including NGOs will be able to evaluate it, make suggestions and recommendations on the 6 NC. If such comments are fair and constructive, they will be taken into account by the Executing agency and included in NC.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
GEF Secretariat
Approval FY
Project Approved
Europe and Central Asia
Executing Agencies
The Republic Scientific and Research Unitary Enterprise “BRC «Ecology” (RUE “BRC “Ecology”) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
GEF Period
GEF - 5
Project Type
Enabling Activity
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant
GEF Agency Fees


Received by GEF
Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation