The development goal of the second operational phase of the GEF/SGP is to assure global environmental benefits in the areas of biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and protection of international waters from community-based approaches. The rationale for the next phase is rooted in the belief that local solutions to global environmental problems exist and have been successfully implemented through the programme thus far while at the same time recognizing that there still is an unrealized potential to enhance the impact of the programme within the GEF system as a whole. Given the strategic role of the GEF/SGP in furthering the overall GEF Strategy and mandate, the long-term financial modality being proposed is one that ensures continuity, flexibility and accountability at the same time. Responding to recommendations in the report of the second independent evaluation of the GEF/SGP, the next phase will focus on achieving the following principal objectives (outputs): (1) revision and implementation of the strategic framework and operational guidelines at global and country levels to ensure congruence with GEF Operational Strategy and Programs; (2) selection and implementation of community projects; (3) establishment of functional links with medium- and full-size GEF projects, other UNDP programmes, government agencies, and national environmental funds (mainstreaming); (4) establishment of a sound programme for capacity building for key stakeholders; (5) elaboration and implementation of global and country strategies for sharing for GEF/SGP experiences and demonstrating global benefits; (6) establishment of resource mobilization strategies at global, country and project levels to assure project and programme sustainability; and (7) operation of a monitoring and evaluation system to track and assess global benefits are in effect.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
UNOPS and National Execution (NEX)
GEF Period
GEF - 2
Project Type
Full-size Project
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant


Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed