The Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan, Agenda 21 and the draft National Wetland Conservation Action Plan provide the foundation for the conservation and better management of China’s wetland resources. However, barriers to effective conservation of global wetland biodiversity remain. These include: i) a lack of integration of wetland management and biodiversity conservation into development planning; ii) no institutional mechanisms for multi-sectoral wetland management; iii) limited awareness of wetland values and functions at all levels; iv) lack of examples of sustainable development of wetland resources and involvement of local communities; and v) lack of technical capacity at national and local levels to manage and conserve wetlands and their biodiversity. The proposed project will remove these barriers at four demonstration project sites with high global biodiversity importance in four areas (Sanjiang Plain, Ruoergai Marshes, Yancheng Coast and Dongting Lakes). Each represents a different ecosystem and are, collectively, representative of China as a whole. A national coordination component will also ensure that lessons learned from this project will be appropriately transferred to other wetlands throughout the country. GEF support will be closely allied with new Government programmes that conserve biodiversity and ensure locally sustainable development. The Project Document was approved by the GEF CEO in 11/99, and signed in 12/99. Agreement was reached on the AusAID funded component (subcontract-4) to be implemented by CICETE in late 12/99. The Letter of Agreement with UNOPS was signed in February. The interview panel for CTA selection was organized in end of March, and the CTA has been brought on board. The Inception mission/workshop was planned for end May/early June. Dec 20, 2004 - Amendment Request: The project started its implementation in Dec 1999. UNDP became concerned about the progress towards the project objectives, the efficiency of use of project funds and the effectiveness of project activities in July 2002. In Nov. 2002, a mid term evaluation was held and concluded that the project should either be stopped or significant changes should be made to both design and management of the project. The evaluation team suggested detail changes in the work programme shifting the emphasis from nature reserve management to the wider landscape level, and urged that project management be strengthened, linked more effectively with government programmes on wetlands, and project management to be delegated as much as possible to the project sites and provinces. A paper entitled Concept for Project Redesign was prepared based on the findings of the evaluation and was accepted at the Tripartite Review Meeting in March 2003. The AusAid, the only cofinancer besides the government, which was to provide US$2.4 million for the alternative livelihood component of the project, has shortly afterwards withdrew their financial support from the project. A series of draft project revision documents were prepared through number of meetings and consultations with key partners. The amendment request, along with the redesigned project and associated information, has been submitted by UNDP to the GEF Secretariat in Dec, 2004 for review and endorsement.

Project Details

GEF Project ID
Implementing Agencies
United Nations Development Programme
Approval FY
Executing Agencies
State Forestry Administration of the PRC
GEF Period
GEF - 2
Project Type
Full-size Project
Focal Areas
Funding Source
GEF Trust Fund


Co-financing Total
GEF Project Grant


Concept Approved
Project Approved for Implementation
Project Closed